Chapter 32- Crowning and Departure

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"I'm so scared." whispered Caroline for the tenth time, pacing around in circles.

"Hey you've got this. You're going to do it, okay?" I spoke clearly and slowly, hoping it would get my point across a little better.

"It's all good princess." added Shawn.

She gave us a barely noticeable nod, and we entered the throne room trying to be as slick as possible. We pushed our way through the crowd, I don't care if they're all classy-ass people I want to be standing in the first row.

"-and due to last month's dreadful events, I was left with no choice but to bring Caroline's succession to order. This was only called for to ensure the safety and future of the kingdom. As the two tragic deaths have proven, we are all at risk. As my last heir, it is only fit that Princess Caroline takes her place as the successor to the throne." finished King Thomas, capturing everyone's attention.

It had been a few weeks since Nick's death, and The king decided it was best not to ever tell Caroline the truth, about her father. She played along with it, knowing it was in her best interest. She gets to rule, and fire counselor Max.

The heavy doors to opened, making everyone turn their heads to watch as Caroline took confident little strides, her heels brushing against the wooden tiles the only sound to be heard.

I wanted to leave with Shawn the second he woke up, but being with Caroline on this day was too important. When she had finally reached the end of the carpet, curtsied in front of her so called father, before turning around to face the audience. Shawn and I had huge grins plastered on our faces, my jaw literally hurt.

"Do you Caroline Finnheart, swear to protect this kingdom and put its needs before your own?" he asked her.

She gulped, and quickly tried to gain composure. "Yes my lord."

"Will you lead with courage, and ensure justice to be served?"

"Yes." She said again.

"Trusting you to base all of your decisions off rationality and wisdom, believing that you know what's best for your people," he took a deep breath, holding the crown right above her head, "I, King Thomas, announce you Caroline Finnheart, future Queen of Pengale."

As soon as he placed the diamond crown on her head, rounds of applause and cheers erupted through the room. Some people were even screaming, and those would be me and Shawn.

"There she goes!" I squealed as I clapped even harder.

"That's our girl!" yelled Shawn as he looked at her with so much pride.

She looked at us and her eyes lit up even more, if possible.

After the ceremony had ended, I left just like everyone other than the king did, except that I was waiting for her three steps outside.

"Oh my god can you believe it? She's royalty now!' I exclaimed wanting to jump up and down but failing to due to my really long gown.

"Honey she was always royal." Shawn corrected me.

"Yeah but like, now she's ROYAL royal. Ya know?"

He chuckled and shook his head at me. I got startled as the guards once more opened the door, revealing Caroline walking side by side with the previous ruler of this land. I kept my gaze on the ground, trying to be respectful as he walked without acknowledging me.

The second he was out of sight, I squeezed her in my arms as I was squealed random bullshit. She was laughing really hard but still managed to hug me back. I finally let her go deciding she probably needed to breathe.

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