Happy life is the best life

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There is not one thing that is better than having a perfect husband or boyfriend. Always by your side whether your sad or happy. How he holds you as if there is no letting go. Like you're everything to him; like you're his oxygen. The kisses he plants on your lips to shut you up when you're arguing and when he takes you to buy things your heart desires. 

Briana and Johnathan outside in their back yard watching the day go by as Monica and Hayden play pillow fight in their room as they found out the great news that they're having a baby. Mr. And Mrs. Becker is having a wonderful day hiking in the nearby forest. Dylan and Kenya having a photoshoot for their Instagram couple page. How cute🤧. Cece and Beckham, on the other hand, have their good and bad days as every other couple. All these people are great friends to one another and they always hang out whenever they have time to do so.

"Oh sweety you are such a good man. Making dinner for me, " Briana said to Johnathan. "Oh sweety thanks, " he  said pecking her lips " after all you needed the little rest."  She smiled at him and went on to prepare the table for two. After about 15 minutes it was all done and the food was ready to be settled in their tummies. Like usual, they were having a conversation about their day.
"Sooo sweety. How was work?"
"Well, same ole stuff happening. "
They continued until they decided to have a movie night.

Cece sat on the couch watching her favorite celebrity station as Beckham smoke some weed with his bro in his game room. Must be wondering why they are so far apart. Well, Beck always finding something to argue about as if he wants her to leave. Cece just being Cece would most times ignore him. she sometimes feels like giving up but was still willing to try and stay with him even though he gives her a tough time. Ever since he got into an accident last year, he has been distancing himself, even saying she is a curse. Like what the hell nigga. The funniest part is that if she decides to leave he would beg for her to stay. Like please make up your god damn mind. He walked into the room and stood there for a while and just started shouting at her. For no reason, at all. Something definitely ain't right and Cece was definitely not about to put up with him so she lit a blunt. "Your fucking lazy can't you do something in the house you here all day watching tv!" His bro came out wondering what was the problem. He looked around the house and it is clean, very clean. Then what is it? Is he waiting for dinner and even if he is, he can kindly ask 'bae please go cook dinner' or something not shout when his friend is around like come on. She had a confused look on her face. "What the fuck is your problem pussy?" She asked trying her best not to grab him by the neck. "Why the fuck are you giving attitude for?" "Why the hell are you shouting Beck? "
"You know what I'm going to get some fresh air," he said walking out.  "Yeah whatever," she said getting back to her show. That was his cue to do something but what is that something? He dialed a number that went straight to voicemail. What is he really up to?

Ever other couples like Hayden and Monica, Kenya and Dylan, are just having a good day. Doing fun stuff to better their relationships.

Thanks for reading my supporters. Next time on Side Chicks🐾

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