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There is nothing like celebrating the good moments with your wife or husband. Monica and Hayden are having a celebration for his 5th restaurant opening. Such a good feeling to see him making it in life and his wife Monica motivating him throughout this entire time.  Obviously, there are other persons there to celebrating with them include their be loving friends. The was place getting lit by the minute. Vodka and Hennessy on the table with wine and wine classes. Everyone was having a good time and now it's time for Hayden to make his speech. (Glass clinking)
"So thank you guys for coming----um its really a pleasure to see so much persons came out to celebrate this wonderful moment with me. I would like to say thanks to my wife Monica for being here with me, because a couple  months back I was not feeling this restaurant but she motivated me and I appreciate it. Also, my loving friends who are here mostly to Mr. and Mrs. Becker right over there(pointing) and to you all. Thanks again." Everyone cheered and make a toast. It was getting late and persons started to leave saying they have to be home for whatever reason. So by now it's only the group of friends just sharing the last piece of the party.
"Oh my gosh, Hayden. This was a great turn ouuuttt, " Kenya said dragging out the last part.
"Yeah, it is. This Is what life should be about. Celebrations, happiness, babies (everyone laughed) " yeah right, " Elizabeth said laughing. "Butttt most of all----we get to have the best persons in the world, " Briana completed. "Awwww, " they said in unison while hugging. This is what life is throwing at them for now. They just got to let the moment in.


After the little opening, everyone went to this cool spot where they can watch the beach at night at a distance. I know it's around 10:30 pm which is kinda late but they still wanted to hang out. The girls decided to go somewhere from the boys to have a little girl chit-chat. So while having some wine and listening to two Chris Brown; Elizabeth Somewhat changed the whole mood for Cece. "Is everything okay with you and Beckham, not to be nosy but he seems a Lil off tonight." You know like when your in this group and this one girl just always says the things at the wrong moment. Yeah, that's Elizabeth. Everyone had their two fingers between their eyebrows. "Just come on I know Cece doesn't like to about her problems but it's our friend and she looks like she needs some advice. So we can help her." Monica groans. "Obviously Beth she ain't in the mood for this and she won't tell us much," Monica said making a good point. Then cece spoke up. "Look he is just off but if I pay him the attention I will definitely send my heavy foot straight up his ass," she said crossing her legs. "We just want to make sure your okay sweety," Kenya said. "Yeah, I'll be fine." For the rest of the night, they tried to find the best thing possible to get it off her mind.

Over to where the boys are sitting. Cyle which is Mr. Becker seems to be into his phone so his friend Jonathan asked what is in his phone that is so interesting. " none just looking," he said not even looking up at Jonathon. "Maahn obviously there is something going on." "Look it's this new hot chick-------- wait a minute. What new hot chick? What is he talking about? Clearly, he is not talking about Elizabeth. So what is this? " really let me see." Wait they wanna see. The fuck. what are they up to? Like y'all have a wife and girlfriend. "Man I met this chick she names Carey I am gonna hit her up tomorrow cause you know I got to keep this thing wet, " Dylan said smirking. Doesn't he have Kenya? I think Kenya should be the one wetting his d**k. So you're telling me all these so-called good guys have another woman and pretending to be the best. Oh oh oh wait till these bitches find out.

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