girlfriend vs side chick🤨😅

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Cece was in town with the guy from the other day, Nolen. They went eye shopping and ate a cup of ice cream. As they were walking Cece spotted Beckham with a chick. Smiling laughing and all those things.  She was angry but at the same time didn't care but yet she wants to fight. Well maybe it's about that time. He told Nolen to stand back so he won't see him and she went up to introduce herself.
"Hello baby. Who is this with us?" She asked sarcastically?
Silence. He looked so stupid right now. Just imagine his face because now she knew who she was who turned his mind against her.
"Cece what you doing here?" He asked. This dude really.
"What the fuck beck, is this the bitch?" I don't think this stink ass breath bitch just spoke because she about to get wooping.
"Samantha chill," he said.
"Oh so this the Samantha bitch you fucking on me and telling me that this is your ex and her pussy slack, " Cece lied at the last part but only to make her feel bad.
"Bitch you ain't really serious right now. Are you tryna do something?" She asked tryna look tough and all. Beckham tried to stop the girls but it is too late he should have stop this long time ago.
"Bitch don't try to run up on me, " Cece trying to hold her ground. Samantha went up in her face and yes her breathe smelled like dicks.
"Bitch take your dick ass breathe out my face, " Cece said pushing her back.
"This bitch just touched." She keeps on talking and not doing shit, laamme. Out of no where Samantha hit Cece in the back. I don't know who told her to do it but she just made a big mistake. Cece pushed her onto the little table causing her to fall with the table. She jumped on top of her and started to throw punches at her face. Beckham joined by fighting Cece off her. She beat his ass lol😁. Cops pulled up and took her off Samantha and Beckham. She was then handcuffed and was brought to jail.

Phone rings. Elizabeth answered "hello."  "Wait what are you serious. Girl don't worry am on my way. She called the other girls and they went to get her out. She had to go to court in three months time she wether they would spend time in jail or put a restraining order on each other.

I enjoyed this part because Cece finally got the chance to beat someones ass😝 that's ma bitch. But anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter have a blessed day

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