mr mr death🖤🧟‍♂️

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Everyone is shocked and in disbelief with everything that is going on. I mean who wouldn't. They were one happy friend and their families were okay and then it's like this demon just walked over them and caused all the destruction. The plan that they had the other day went good for some of them so now they're having another one so it can be for all. Everyone except Kenya couldn't come because Dylan wasn't having it. He didn't want her to leave the house for some reason. Maybe he is scared she will run away from him. So they have decided to keep the little meeting at her house so she could be apart of it. Look how God is so amazing. He sent them there for a reason so the truth can be revealed. Once they all have arrived they started the meeting.

"So let's think of something else, " Elizabeth said.
"I clearly liked it and it really did work," Monica said. Definitely worked for her and Cece.
"So we can like place camera on them or a spy. Ya know, " Briana said.
"Where that is going, my friend. I feel to threaten them with execution so they can confess, " Cece said just being savage😭🤣.  Lol while having a Lil fun during the meeting. They could hear Dylan playing his game because he was shouting the goal. These boys nowadays. Then this uneasy feeling came over Kenya. She couldn't even understand why it was there. You know those feelings that you get you don't know if it is good or bad, yeah.
"Are you okay ken?" Elizabeth asked. "I really don't know. But I love you guys so much for helping me in this, " she said it touched their hearts and they all hugged her slightly crying. Then out of nowhere, Dylan stood there looking at everyone with so much hate especially Kenya. He went back up to the game room and sat on his chair and sip on the drink thinking why the fuck Kenya brought them over. At this point, I knew he was sick in his head. He started getting angry by the minute and then he called her to the room.
She looked terrified that he called her. She slowly went to him.

"Why the fuck are they here ken?"
"Just here to talk since you won't allow me to go out."
"Ken stop acting stupid and tell them to leave now!"
"What no. I haven't seen them for over a month now dy. What have they done?"
"Are you trying to test me ken?" He asked walking closer to her. She slowly took steps back.
"Then tell them to leave!"
"No Dylan I won't they haven't done anything. They're here to talk to me something you hardly do nowadays."
He went to the door and locked it. He then went back over to her and grabbed her by the throat and threw her across the room. He then kicked her in the ear which, started to bleed. She grabbed the game and slam it on the back of his head. He took the lamp off the nightstand and hit her in the face with full force, she fell.  She saw the knife he used to cut the mangoes and reach for it. The girls could hear the tumbling and without hesitation,  they got up there. The door was locked, so there was no way they could get in before anything awful happens.
She was weak and bleeding by now and to finish it off he took the knife from her hand and stabbed her five times to the heart. The girls heard the painful screams that escaped  her lips and finally, the door opened, after the long kicking and banging hard on it. Cece and Monica immediately attacked him while Elizabeth and Briana tried to save her life. Which won't be possible. 5 stab to a heart, wow. They called the ambulance and the police before this mother fucker escapes. They tied him up just so he won't.

"How could you asshole," Briana said crying and hitting him in the face. Everyone cried as their beloved friend was no longer apart of this cruel world. The police are about 4 miles away by now which is probably long but hey she is dead already what else can they do but cry. His phone kept on ringing and  Cece was fed up of hearing it, so she took it up to answer it.
"No no," Dylan said softly.
She looked at him and told one of them to cover his mouth.  She answered and the first thing the person said "did you kill the bitch Dylan, my baby. Cause I really need to move in now." She hanged up. "SO YOU DID THIS BECAUSE THIS BITCH TOLD YOU TO!!!! HOW COULD YOU. YOUR SO FUCKING WEAK BITCH." Cece said kicking him in the crotch. "Who is she?" Monica asked. The other girls cried even more. "Answer me or else I cut your precious dick, " she threatens. He didn't want that. So he showed them her pic. "So this the bitch?" Briana asked and then slapped him hard. The police were there now and so they've decided to send the pic to their phones so they can deal with her case themselves. "You're going to rotten in jail."
The police were inside and Elizabeth told them to come up to the room. They took Dylan and carried Kenya's lifeless body to the morgue.

Oh my lord, I can't believe this. I really can't lol. I did but you didn't see this coming. But still, I hope you are enjoying yourself reading this book. Stay tuned to 'side chicks'


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