suspicions 😤😡

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So tired of his accusations. He can't even have a proper conversation without him arguing. She realized a lot of changes from the past months and she was quiet about it but now she is tired of being quiet and was ready to get small pieces of evidence to know if he is definitely cheating.  She tries to keep up with this dude ranting every day about things. Her madness really wants to let loose so she can torcher him.  She even swears if the bitch is even prettier than her, she is gonna turn that prettiness into ugly with her fist. Cece was dead ass serious about it. So to try and get her first piece of evidence, she met up with Monica. The reason why is because Beckham always at their house with Hayden. The girls were at a beachside to catch some sea breeze.  "So baby girl what's this meet for?" Monica asked sitting down. "Look amo get straight into it, Beckham is always around your husband at home, right. I need you to somewhat listen to their conversations to get any detail. Even if it is a sweet he is gonna buy let me know. I swear amo fuck this bitch up," Cece finished. "Girl I know your upset like who the fuck wouldn't, after all the things you have done." "I know right. Things take time, " Cece said.

The day went by fast. After the little meet, Cece went to a hood boy to spy on Beckham. Guys, you must be wondering why all that. Not that she doesn't trust him with things but she won't trust him with her money and heart.  Yes yes, Cece is a type if you want to leave, leave, but her dad sent 3 million dollars to her account to start her own business. She got skeptical about Beckham knowing the account password because the other day 10000 dollars was missing. She changed the name and the code so he won't have access. That money is for business.

Not going to lie. Since recently the girls have been getting off feelings about their partner. Some acting stupid some really want to know.
Like Elizabeth kind of know, something is up with cyle and she thinks she is not attractive anymore. She starts to do all those crazy stuff to get him back. Kenya sits in her abusive relationship. Like guys out of nowhere, he starts to put his hands on her. These guys need a holy slap yo head yo have sense. It's so clear that they aren't man, bed wetters.

Thanks for reading. Continue to support. Big up to @itsjuliannaa for supporting me as well. Thanks, guys❤✔

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