😭😭😭💔good bye for now until we meet again🕊

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2 months later

This is even harder for her parents to watch their child soon to go down and will never be able to see her again. The girls never thought they would wear a black dress for a friend this early. From a distance, they watched her family break down in uncontrolled tears. The hasn't started yet and persons already can't face the fact that she is gone, forever.

The family member sat on one side and the friends or people who are just visiting on the other side. The girls are family so you know how that goes. First, they did a little prayer and hymn and then they went on to speak about life. Family members did their parts and now it was time for the girls to sing. Oh my gosh, it was so emotional they couldn't even go through the song completely, each time they tried to pull themselves together it's like something just keeps on pulling on there hearts.  Her mom walked out and on her way, she fainted and almost had a heart attack. This day is really so hard for these people. 

"I remember when she would say Briana let us make our own company and bring(starts to cry) it to the world. I knew she wanted to do that for so long ( crying real hard) right before she was fatally stabbed to death she told us, guys, I love you( tears coming more) so much. ( she breaks down) sweety, you're gone but not forgotten, " Briana said walking off. Elizabeth met her half way just in case she doesn't faint. It was Cece's time.
"Good afternoon. My loving friend Kenya was one of my loyal best friend ( trying to keep a straight frame) she was one of the kindest persons you can ever come across. She deserved more than this. She deserves the world for her big heart. She is a friend I could talk to ( trying hard to hold in the tears) if I had problem-----(tears slip)" she couldn't continue she walked off.

They were at the cemetery they stood around the coffin as the pastor did his thing. The rsin started to pour, hard and everyone had to take out their umbrella. "God take home your child, " the final words from the pastor. At that moment her mom ran over to the casket in the rain and cried her eyes out. The girls went over their to and cried. They will truly miss this special person. They couldn't see her go down in pain😭. "We love you!!!!!!" The girls shouted in the air.

They were at the reception and soon time for everyone to go home

Guys was  it me alone cried while reading/ writing this part. Gosh😭😭 it sting. But don't forget to vote share and comment.

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