part- 32

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So in the morning guards informed me that some guy named Alex wants to meet me. So I told them to let him in and make him sit in the lawn.

I saw him sitting with his head down.

" alex , why are you here now".

" Amairah I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday".

" Alex apology accepted,  but I didn't expected it from you".

" Amairah, I'm really ashamed, but I would never do that with you , actually I was drunk.  I always wanted to confess my love ,but when I heard that you are married, it kind of hurt me ".

"Alex I know you were drunk , that's why I'm forgiving you".

" thanks,  okay I'm going  bye take care,  and happy marriage  life ".

" thanks ".

So after he went I went straight into my room .

" where were you ". He asked doubting.

" none of your business " . I said rudely.

As I was about to go he catched me by my arms .

" it's my business, say where were you ". Asked with anger in his voice

" Zaviyar leave my hand".

" why did he come here ".

" so you know that he was here than , why are you double checking it".

" Amairah , what he did with you , after that I would not stand him a minute ".

"He was here , because he was ashamed of what he did. He was here to apologize".

" seriously to apologize??". He said mocking.

" yeah mr. Zaviyar MALIK  he's brave enough to apologize after a mistake and not like you , ruining someone's life and acting all normal ".

He loosen his grip and with anger he left the room. So I took a shower and changed my clothes.

What does he think I'm scared of him . No Zaviyar, I'm not scared any more.  I'm done with your shits. I'm already broken , you can't break me more.

I went downstairs and he was not there. On asking Alice she told that sir looked angry and took his car and drove away. Good because even I'm not in a mood to see him.

So I helped Alice for making lunch. He didn't showed up for the lunch so I ate alone and went to my bedroom. I remembered about the mystery room. So I decided to go there. As I went there I opened the room . And went in . So here where the problem begins. This locked room.  How will I go there's no keys , so I think of breaking the door but the door was giant so dropped the plan of breaking the door. 

Before anyone finds me here I quickly exited the room.

I  was extremely getting bored so decided to clean the wardrobe.  My side was then to clean so I decided to clean his upper self first. I removed  his clothes  .

Suddenly I noticed that the wood of that side was weak. So I knocked that part and a sound came was weak and as I pressed that part it was easily pressed. 

So I removed my upper self clothes,  of my side  to check if it's  the same but the wood was strong and it was not weak.

I was examining it deeply and saw a small hole . As I inserted my small finger inside the hole the wood shifted . So I slid the wood and suprisingly the wooden block came out . It was more like a secret place. A small space .

So I put my hands inside the space and there was a metal box. I removed the metal box and unlocked it and saw a key . A metal key.

A key I talked to myself. who puts a metal key inside such a mysterious place . Suddenly I heard footsteps coming near my room I quickly put the key inside the box and placed the wooden block as it is .

I quickly folded his clothes and put it back as it is .I didn't cleaned it or else he would have doubt.

Suddenly Zaviyar arrived.  He  didn't talked and went inside the bathroom. 

To make things look normal I switched on the TV and was busy finding some thing appropriate to watch.

Only one thing was moving in my mind. If it's just a key then why did he put in such a mysterious place . No Amairah it's not just a key it's something very important and you need to find out , I talked to myself. 

Soon he came out and I pretended as if I'm busy watching TV. 

" Amairah look I'm sorry for today".

I didn't responded.

" Amairah everytime I try to make things normal, why  you mess it up".

" seriously it's me who mess up , think twice Zaviyar who messed up the whole situation. If I was a mess why did you marry me , I didn't beg you for that ".

" why do you always take things wrong Amairah ".

" because I'm wrong,  happy . And I don't want to talk to you why can't you understand that".

He sat on my bed.

" and why are you sitting on my place , your place is over there on the couch,  you sit there ". I said.

" yaa I sleep there only at night  , but all the time I sit on the bed. And from when did this bed became yours ??".

" from the time you married me Mr.  Malik ".

Annoyingly he went out of the room.
I laughed like a devil after winning the argument.  And continued watching TV.

We had our dinner quietly  because after an argument he didn't tried to talk.  I was thinking about the key. If I will ask him , I'm sure he will not tell me. I need to find out by myself.

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