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Hinata, Kenma and Inouka were discussing a certain game.

Kuroo and Lev who wanted to but in their conversation was eyeing Kenma signaling him to introduce her to everyone. But to their disappointment, Kenma just ignored them.

"oh right Kenma, Inuoka I have a present for you guys, wait ill take it" the girl dash out leaving her friends. Kuroo use this opportunity to talk to his friend.

"hey Kenma how come you didn't even introduce us"

"i don't have too, she already who you guys are after all." Kenma insisted, not liking what Kuroo is planning

"ehh but she didn't now me" Lev complained

"she might have known us from our last practice game, but we never had a proper introduction"

"you and the word proper just don't go well together, plus I don't trust you talking to Shouyou" he answered honestly, knowing Kuroo for many years now he knew his planning on something.

"what!! How can you say that I only want to be friends with her" Kuroo fake a smiled

dang always so sharp Kenma and here I thought you would help me be closer with her..

" oi Kuroo if your planning something on Karasuno #10 I'm going to beat you up you too Lev" Yaku said who just entered heard the conversation.

Him in Suga had their maternal instinct going on and he had the urge to protect the little sun shine the moment he'd seen her.

The two complained, but immediately calm down when they heard foot steps...

"oh Yaku-san, hello!!" Hinata greeted the libero with full smiles.

"hello Hinata, are you here to see Kenma" he asked gently totally opposite to how he converse with Kuroo and Lev..

"I'm just planning to give Kenma and Inouka a present. And I also have one for you guys" Hinata handed Yaku a box.

"Thank you Hinata, but you shouldn't have bother giving everyone gifts, just giving me, Inouka and Kenma would have been fine." he said trying to cross the other members from the list.,

" I wanted to thank you guys for including as in this camp, its the least I could do" she smiled to everyone handing everyone each personalize present.

"Kuroo-senpai here's for you and also if you don't mind can you please give this to Coach Nekomata and Coach Manabu" she said cheerfully, Kuroo can't help but smiled, he didn't even mind the glare Kenma is giving him.

"If it's you Chibi-chan I wouldn't mind and thank you for this" giving her a meaningful smile. Hinata didn't get the message though and just thank Kuroo. The others we're laughing at him.

"Kenma, Inuoka here are for you" when the two open the box everyone could see the difference between their presents.

It was there favorite sweets.

Though the sweet they received were really good looking but if you compare, you could totally see who she favors the most, Yaku also receive a far more special present.

How unfair is that or maybe. Kuroo look at his problem and my how shock he is seeing how Kenma is giving him that Victorious smile.

You traitor. Chibi-chan must have ask them there favorites but Kenma just randomly said whatever comes to mind and made his and those he favor more special.

"Shouyou did you made this" Kenma and Inuoka asked shocked.

"yup, I made those hope you guys like.. Anyway I better go now, see you tomorrow" she give each of her friends a hug and say their good nights even Yaku receive a hug.

"Goodnight everyone"  she said, smiling one more time before she left.

The cats went wild except for Kenma when the girl left.

"it my first time receiving a gift from a girl" Yamato said crying

" I also have one"
Lev was even happier, though it's their first time meeting, he already received a homemade sweets.

"Karasuno are so lucky having three girls in their team"

They can't help but feel jealous of how unlucky they are.


Kuroo went to their coach to give them the present Hinata made. While going back he met Bokuto and Akaashi.

"Hey Kuroo, what you got there" Bokuto ask him surveying the box.

"ehhh is that a present, who give that to you"

"hah Bokuto, this is a special treat Chibi-chan made for me" he said boasting to Bokuto. His chin was raise and the wicked smiled of his annoyed Bokuto.

"ehhhh why would she do that, it's unfair give me one too" he tried to take the box but Kuroo didn't let him

"this was made specifically for me Bokuto so I won't give you" he tease his friend.

The two continues to argue when they saw Tsukishima and Kageyama heading their way.

"oya if it isn't Tsukii and Kageyama-kun" he called the two, boasting by showing the box of sweet  he received

"ossss" Kageyama nodded

"don't call me Tsukii"

"hey you two, don't you think it's unfair for Kuroo to receive a present from Hinata" Bokuto ask the expecting the two to complain. Kuroo was too, he felt that he superiority among them..

" I always go to Hinata's house and she would often bake or cook me food" Kageyama explain before exiting saying he needed to go to the bath.

Tsukishima realized what Kuroo was trying to do so he give him his snarky smile and said"eto... How many did I receive again was it 2 cake hmmm oh right!! I remember now there were 4 cake. They were very delicious by the way" with that he leave the two captains still shock from the revelation.

"Akaashi, so it was just you and me who didn't receive anything" Bokuto lamented thinking at least his not the only one.

"You're wrong Bokuto-san I also have one box of presents, if you want I can share mine. Hinata gave me one earlier saying I was really cool and  handed me.. "

"ehhhhhhhh AKAAASHII YOU HAVE ONE TOO" this made Bokuto even more jealous.

Kuroo just remain quiet his plan just back fired at him. Of course those two would get more there teammates for crying out loud. He just went back to his room still frustrated.


Next Special Chapter

"oi the minichibi with ginger hair we saw suddenly grew taller and became a chibi" Tendou said to his teammates pointing at the ginger-haired girl.

The other traces where his pointing at but saw no kid nor a someone with ginger-head.

"Tendou, you should get your eyes checked, I know a good doctor"

"Wakatoshi-kun my eyes are fine"

"you should probably stop reading jump manga, Tendou-san" this time it was Goshiki you talked to Tendou.

"it's impossible for someone to grew taller that easily Tendou"

Tendou looked once again but this time he saw the kid with ginger hair grow up even bigger.

Rubbing his eyes he suddenly say "Wakatoshi-kun, maybe you're right, I think I should probably get my eyes check"