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Everyone went to their assigned room and went to sleep but one particular group we're still making a mess in the living room. They all can't sleep.

"I can't sleep" Bokuto complained as he ruffled around the the seat.

"Bokuto-san please sleep" Akaashi commented sitting beside him. He can't leave their captain all alone in here. Who knows what trouble he'll make.

"I also cannot sleep" the voice came from Ushijima shocking everyone.

"seriously how come you guys are still so energetic" Kuroo said throwing a couch pillow to Bokuto.

"I'm like 15 meters away from you guys and I can still here you from there" Tsukishima said holding a glass of water. He was still feeling sluggish and decided to stay in the living when he heard noise.

"seriously what a bunch of noisy group" Suna commented.

"you say that but aren't you a part of this group" Tsukishima smirk at him.

"huh don't lump me with the likes of you" Suna said in return.

There seems to be a bad blood between the two.

"OK stop arguing now kids" Kuroo said.

" I'm not a kid" Suna

"your not much older than us" Tsukishima.

"hahahahaha Iwa-chan look at mad dog" he said handing his to Iwaizumi. Matsukawa and Hanamaki also did the same.

"hahaha Yahaba really changed Kyotane's name to mad dog. Go change his to Dog trainer too" Hanamaki said making everyone curious.

"you said that but aren't yours flatasskawa" Iwaizumi said smacking him for laughing so loud.

"hey let us look too" Bokuto said

"haaa!! behold our fun group chat... We have the most fun gc among here.. You guys would probably be jealous" Oikawa said raising his phone showing his gc.

"huh why would we" Shirabu and Atsumu said looking at his phone.

"don't believe him, the only thing in our group chat is Oikawa-san sending bunch of his photo..and some alien phenomenon he searched.... Well I guess it was fun when everyone try to  kick him again and again in the gc" Kunimi said showing Oikawa's photos.

"hey Kunimi I new it was not accidental when you said you kick me out of the group you guys planned it all ...and what's wrong with aliens" Oikawa complain remembering the time he would get kick out of their group.

"Oikawa-san I didn't kick you in the group, I didn't know anything about it" Kindaichi said.

"haahahahahaha" Matsukawa and Hanamaki laugh at him.

"hahahahaha you call that fun-- aw Samu wha'yah did that for" Atsumu laugh at him but his brother stop him.

"you are also doing the same. It's even more annoying since we have the same face" he said

"hahahahaha right Osamu, he would even pout... It was so disgusting. Hahaha I could imagine you doing it" Suna said laughing at the twins.

"Samu how can you do that to me"

"Bokuto would sometimes do that" Akaashi added

"Akgaaashii you promise not to say it" Bokuto said stopping Akaashi from spitting more information.

"Hahahahaha I can't believe you guys would do that" Kuroo laugh, luckily none of his members are here so his safe.

"Huh you speak like your not worse than us. Aren't you always talking about fish and doco... Docccsahe something acid ahh whatever is was something you found in fishes." Bokuto said dragging his friend from embarrassment.

SUNLIGHT (HAIKYUU FANFICTION|FEMALE HINATA ) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα