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Hanamaki was observing the flowers on the balcony. He was especially interested to the dandelions lined up in one side. They looked lovely, reminding him of a certain someone.

He was busy blowing the dandelions when she heard noises coming from the other side.

He looked and saw Kindaichi, Kunimi and Hinata saying there goodbye with each other.

The girl was staying in the shaded stage for a minute but decided to go back inside. She walked towards the door but she heard a voice calling her...

"HINATA !!" Hanamaki shouted gaining the girls attention. The two looked at each other and the girl approached her dragging her thick blanket.

"Hanamaki-senpai.. What are you doing here" she asked him the moment she reached the swing covered with flowers and vines.

"I'm just observing the flowers, I didn't know you have dandelions and forget me not flowers lying around here" he said as he moved the swing forward.

"mom likes flowers so much, she said they would make the house more pleasant and peaceful... " she asked as she went closer to the flowers.

Hanamaki followed and sat beside her.

"well I think dandelions is a good flower that houses should have" he said as she look at the girl

"what do you mean by that senpai" she asked curiously titling her head a bit.

He can't help but pinch her cheeks lightly.

"Dandelion are commonly known as weed that just grow every I mean it didn’t even merit a mention in the Victorian language of flowers. But some actually consider it as a symbol of fighting challenges of life and emerging victorious. Others use it as a visual reminder of the sun’s power, especially when depression or grief makes it hard to stay sunny." he explained

" That's wonderful, I really love this dandelions, me and my family would blow all of petals and make a wish." she said and took one.

"we use to do that too... Did you know the most common folk belief is that blowing out the white puffball of seeds that the flowers turns into will grant you one wish. The reason behind that lies in the flower" he said and pointed the flower the girl was holding.

"it center is said to be the sun, the white fluff petals surrounding it is the moon and the moment the wind caught those petals it became a stars. That's the reason why people associate them with wishing"

"I didn't know flowers has its own meaning too. Not only they are beautiful they also hold great symbols"

"it's fascinating right"

" hmmm..You seem to know about them senpai, Do you like dandelion!?"she asked

"I guess I like them... Well to be completely honest my mom would tell me the flowers meaning whenever I visit her. It's one of the moments I cherish, but I can't always be with her since she already has her new family" he said as he try not to stutter. He kinda miss the time he spent with her mom.

"oh" that was the only thing Hinata could say, he didn't know that the man would be facing such problems.

"hey you don't have to be sad for me, I mean I still live with my dad and it's cool even if it's just the two of us. Mom would often call me too and I'm already old enough to - -" he was stop when he suddenly felt a hand touching his face.

He didn't notice it but a tear already stream down from his eyes. All the pain he felt came crashing down and the only thing he did was cry. He hug her and buried his face on her neck.

Hinata just hug her tightly as he silently cry.

" would you like to make a wish "she said and smiled brightly at him after he finished crying his heart out.

" no.. I'm fine now "be said

" then I'll make a wish for you "she said and blow the flowers slowly while the wind caught them away. The scene was magistic, he then remembers the story his mom use to tell him. The story of the angel who granted the flower spirit's wishes.

" mom tell me the story of the dandelions again" the boys ask his mother as he lay on his bed. His mother smiled at him. It seemed like the boy was more interested in the story he told him last night.

"okay then. Once upon a time an angel went to earth and granted the spirit of flowers wishes. The tulip wanted a castle garden so princess can fawn over her and the roses wanted castle walls so she wouldn't get hurt. The angel was sadden by their wishes but one stood among the rest. The dandelions didn't wish for anything grandiose instead she wished to be in the field, the stone wall and roadside, anywhere as long as she could bring smiles to children's faces. The angel was happy and blessed her with long growing seasons and designated her as the children's flower. " he heard this story a couple of times when he was still a child.

"no wonder you can see it everywhere.They’re ready to fly in the breezes that take them to new adventures, new lands, and new friends." he answered as he wished to play in the fields again and again.

"say mom do you think, I could meet the angel" he asked

"who knows, maybe you can"she answer making the boy happy

" do you think, she'll grant my wish"

"if you're a good boy maybe the angel will.. Now go to sleep my love" she said and kiss his forehead.

"good night mom"

Hanamaki look shock and his eyes widen. He held his chest and he could feel his heart beating irrationally.

This feeling, he felt the same way, during the spring tournament. He was having a hard time finding answers what he felt at that time.

Damn!! I think I like her.... Wait scratch that I love her.. He thought to himself as he looked at the girl wishing to the dandelions as the petals fly around her. Like the angel of the story who was fascinated by the dandelions wish.

"are you OK now senpai" she asked concern because he became silent.

"ah.. Yes I'm fine.. Thanks....".

"no its fine... I had fun talking to you about the flowerAacchoo--" she sneezed

"I think you should go and rest inside" he said, he just realized his feelings now and he cant bare being beside her for too long.

"yeah I probably should... Are you going to stay here senpai?" she asked

"yeah I still NEED a lot of thinking to do" he said

"oh very well then... I'll take my leave now.. Bye senpai"

"yeah bye" he said and the girl finally went inside.

Oh God what am I supposed to do!!?


I'm almost finished


SUNLIGHT (HAIKYUU FANFICTION|FEMALE HINATA ) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora