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They reach the resort and everyone was surprise. They didn't know that they are heading to the beach.

What are they supposed to wear. Before they could complain. The girls handed them clothes which was really surprising.

They look at the clothes and a message what pasted on it.

ENJOY.. It's says and Nichi's signatures. They all jump happily, some fanboys even posted it on their social media accounts.

Eversince they meet Karasuno they been really lucky. The teams all thought.

"oi Kageyama let's race to the beach"
Hinata said and started running before Kageyama could even react.

"Hinata boke you had a false start" he angrily said and followed Hinata leaving all their things.

"those kids are really troublesome" Daichi said and brought Hinata and Kageyama's things.

"just let those two, they just catching up on the days they were fighting" Sugawara said guiding the other members.

"you two sure act like a parent " Asahi said carrying Tanaka and Nishinoya's bag because the two run after Kageyama and Hinata.

You all look like a whole family you know.. The other teams thought by they could never voice it out.

"ne Tsukii, if you want to frolic under the sun no one is stopping you" Yamaguchi teased his friend who is still embarrassed.

"Urusai Yamaguchi" he left and put on his headphones.

"hahahahaha Gomen Tsukii"


The girls were preparing there meal after changing their clothes and Hinata was the only one left in the room.

She was not comfortable of what his wearing. A yellow off shoulder as the top and a high waisted bikini covered with a yellow transparent shawl. She still can't believe that her sister predict them from going to a beach resort. If she only knew that her sister was planning all of this, oh how would she react.

She was trying to tie her hair but she failed. Getting tired of it she went outside.

"I'll just let Kageyama tie my hair for me"

Bokuto and Akaashi were tasked to cook the rice, it was supposed to be Akaashi but Bokuto keep complaining that her team wouldn't trust him from doing task. So here they are now

Akaashi was walking towards his room when the door beside it opened.

The ginger came out wearing yellow two piece bikini and a garment covering her legs.

Her hair was flowing freely, he wanted to feel it's softness.

Her pale skin was gleaming under the sunlight.

Her cheeks were slightly flushed red from the heat.

Her lips were red and full.

Over all she's just too beautiful. She look sunny. Thats what Akaashi thinks .

"oh Akaashi-san, good morning"

He look at her bikini and his eyes stopped at her chest.

He didn't know what happened next, all he knows that his sight was getting blurry and Hinata and Bokuto was calling his name.

"AKAAAASHIIIII" Bokuto shouted

Hinata don't know what to do, he was shocked when Akaashi suddenly collapsed in front of him.

SUNLIGHT (HAIKYUU FANFICTION|FEMALE HINATA ) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat