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Kageyama was not feeling better that day. They were practicing for their stage play but he wasn't enthusiastic about it. He had a dream last night that Hinata suddenly collapsed during their game. He keeps calling her name but she didn't answer. He tried reaching out for her but the world suddenly stop and then he woke up.

"OK let's take a break for a bit" Daichi said and they all nodded.

"I'll buy some drinks who wants some" Hinata ask her teammates. She had extra money from the singing competition.

"Hinata will go with you" Yamaguchi said dragging Tsukishima with him. The two wanted to buy drinks. Since Hinata is heading that way might as well go with her.

"well have the usual" they said and the three went to get the drinks.

The third years were discussing some changes for their booth when all of a sudden, Nishinoya went to their place and ask about Kageyama. Tanaka also followed him asking the same question.

"Suga-san, do you think Kageyama is acting weird" Nishinoya whispered

"yeah I noticed that too. For some reason he was not arguing with Hinata today. They didn't look like they fought since she was smiling at him" Tanaka added causing the three to look at Kageyama who was currently staring at the ball. He looked like his thinking of something serious.

"he does look a bit odd today" Daichi commented and looked at Sugawara. Surely he knows what to do.

"Suga why don't we talk to him" Asahi added convincing Sugawara to take action.

"OK I'll talk to him" he agreed and they all went to Kageyama who was still mindlessly looking at the ball.

"Kageyama are you OK?" Sugawara ask him resulting for him to look at his senpai.

" see I had a horrible dream last night" Kageyama was a bit reluctant but knowing Sugawara, he would understand what he is feeling right now.

"what dream did you have" Daichi ask him sitting on the wooden floor. The other followed him. It seem like its going to be a long conversation.

Kageyama sigh for a bit and began telling them what his dream was.

"my dream was a bit vague but I could remember seeing Hinata collapse in front of me during our game. Afterwards she was sent to the hospital and they told us that she was in a coma and their was a chance that she would no longer wake up. I was crying from hearing the doctor and then I woke up...... I know it was just a dream but I can't help but get worried. My chest ache whenever I remember the scene all over again. When I saw her today, I thought it would be fine but it's just getting worse..... Sugawara-san why do I feel this way" he was tired from all this unknown feeling. It was confusing and painful. He felt like any moment he'll lose Hinata all of a sudden.

The five look at each other. There's only one thing lingering in their minds.

KAGEYAMA IS IN LOVE WITH HINATA THAT'S FOR SURE!!!. They thought, a smile was flustered on their faces. They were not really expecting him to realize it since he was too immersed with volleyball. The dream probably triggered his feelings for her. Since it was his first time he might be confused.

"Kageyama what do you think of Hinata" Asahi questioned, he wanted to confirm their assumptions.

"well I think she is a nice person and I'm thankful for her for being my partner and my friend" he said but that was not what Asahi meant.

"Kageyama what do you think Hinata as a girl!?do you think of her as JUST FRIEND" Nishinoya added making Kageyama blush.

"I... I.... I think she is beautiful and uhm......"Kageyama can't finish his sentence anymore. His face was red and his heart beating irrationally. He immediately covered his face. He was sad thinking about him and Hinata being only friends.

Wait why would I be sad about that... He thought

The five were happy, it seemed like Kageyama is starting to realized what his feelings was. Even Sugawara who was overprotective with Hinata was in a bliss. He felt like it was finally the time for the two to admit they like each other. Even if Hinata don't say it, he knew that she likes Kageyama.

"Kageyama do you know what you are feeling now!?" Sugawara said smiling at the boy.

Kageyama nodded slowly as he covered his flushed Face.

"Fuck, I like her" he whispered but they can clearly her it.

"I'm happy you realize that now Kageyama" Tanaka patted his back feeling proud at his kohai.

"what should I do then!?" Kageyama ask. The five look at one another and their smiles become even wider.

"why don't you tell her what you feel Kageyama" they encouraged him.

"you think it's fine?" he questioned not believing if it was a good idea.

He don't know whether Hinata like him back. He was scared if the girl would no longer talk to him after this.

"it's fine, plus it's better to let it out instead if keeping it to yourself then regretting it later. I also don't think Hinata would reject you though. " Daichi advices him.

"but how should I do it"

"how about this coming festival, invite her to the rooftop. Will hell you set up the place" Nishinoya told him feeling excited to whats about to happen.

"OK I'll do that... Thank you Sugawara-san, Captain, Asahi-san, Nishinoya-san, Tanaka-san"

"hahaha call us senpai" Tanaka suggested but he was shock after hearing Kageyama said it.

"Thank you senpai!!"

"don't need to thanks us, we're your seniors after all, it's our responsibility to help you" Asahi said

"yeah, you can ask help anytime"

"then I'll prepare myself too, thank you once again... Um can you keep this a secret between us. I still don't want others to know about this one"

"don't worry will keep it a secret"
with that Kageyama left the gym.

"seals" Daichi blurted out. Sugawara was tearing a bit.

"Seals?" Tanaka and Nishinoya asked.

"seals grow up fast that's why" Asahi explained.

"my baby" Sugawara said

"they really act like a couple, you sure they are not together" Tanaka whispered to Nishinoya.

"I might sure myself"



Hinata was about to exit Ukai's store since they run out of meat buns when Kageyama called him. For some reason the guy has been acting weird. He was being nice and helpful after they brought the drinks.

"here you can have this" he said handing him a paper bag full of meat buns.

Hinata look shock, she look at the setter.

"who are you and what did you do to Kageyama" she said annoying Kageyama.

"what the... You know what I take it back" he said and was about to take the food away but Hinata didn't let him.

"hey I was joking" she said smiling at him.


"but seriously though, you sure I can have all of these. Didn't you say you were hungry" she asked munching one of the meat buns.

"it's fine you look more hungry than I am"

"OK then"

"so in exchange"

"I knew it you were on to something that's why you were being nice"

"what I'm not, I just want you to clear your schedule after the festival"

"ehh why!?"

"stop asking just do it"
