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Atsumu was woken up from his peaceful sleep when he heard someone shout. He looked up to scold who it was but his eyes widen when he notice who it was..

"WHY ARE YOU IDIOTS SLEEPING IN THE CAFETERIA" he shouted and that how he realized that he was not in his assigned room.

He tried to remember what happened last night and the sun like hair, her beautiful sweet smile and the angelic voice of hers is all that he can remember.

Right she was singing to us and we feel asleep..

He didn't now what happened to him last night why he wanted to get her the girls attention just because of her voice. He tried to shake the thought off and went to prepare for their departure.

They were now on their way to another location when an emergency was called to their attention and they have no choice but to stay at someone else's house till the typhoon pass.

He looked at the sky, the rain was pouring and the sun can't be seen.

For some reason he miss the girl which stunned him for a bit.

It sounded quite ridiculous to feel that way especially if you have only known her for only two days.

I mean how can you miss someone you never met in person. This isn't some kind of a fairytale we're soul mates and shit exist.

"This is Samu's fault for mentioning the girl" he looked at the picture his brother sent him.

It was Hinata who was hugging there captain. His twin had told him that they are staying at the girls house making him jealous.

Wait I shouldn't be jealous.. I was just caught off guard by the girls voice so there is no way that im am jealous... I'm just annoyed because of Samu .Right it's his fault..

He keeps blaming his brother but there this other side of him that wanted to take Osamu's place and be there with her..

Just how unlucky can he be, not only were they stuck here, he also have to endure his brother as he keep teasing him about how beautiful the girl is and how nice it was to see her again.

They arrived at the destination and it seem like Kami-sama has heard his unconscious prayers to meet the girl . When he met his twin, he give him a smirk and begin to tease him back.

"My what do yah know, not only did Shouyou-chan sing for me last night but we also get to spend the time together here" he said emphasizing the singing part. Osamu just look at and tsk.

Huh too can play that game....thats what yah get for messing with me...

After all have been fix they now enter the room assigned to them.

"I still can't believe that we get to stay with those guys.. I'm pretty sure that those guys from Tokyo like Chibi-chan and heck that rooster head even call her Chibi-chan" it was Oikawa who said it but Atsumu didn't know him.

Chibi-chan, does he mean there are others who like her....

He just went out of the room trying not to get involved with their talk. He didn't want to hear how close Hinata was to them.

It was irritating.

He was walking around when he saw his brother and the ginger talking to each other happily. He didn't like how the two seem so close. Not wanting the two to grow even closer.

He run towards them and didn't notice a small marble on his way.

It was like a slow motion as he slipped and the two looked at him shocked.