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Practice ended earlier unlike usual because they needed to set the gym for Karasuno's festival. They are expecting a big crowd after considering that the three girls in their teams Kiyoko, Yachi, Hinata- especially her- and add Sugawara(who dress up as a girl during sports festival) who are quite famous with the guys. They also have Tsukishima, Kageyama and Yamaguchi who girls keeps on visiting during practice. Luckily Kiyoko was able to book the gym first without hassle so that's one less problem to worry about.

"Hinata, becareful out there OK. If you have some trouble just call us and will be there." Sugawara said to Hinata. She was the only available person that could buy the materials since Kageyama and Tsukishima was fixing some of the gyms wall. Tanaka and Nishinoya were helping Kiyoko build the stage. Yachi was preparing the poster and pamphlets design for the school and thei booths. Asahi and Daichi was out to get the table and chairs so they can reserve it before the festival. It was also impossible for him to leave his works unattended.

"I will Suga-san, if you need anything else just message me" she said and bid her farewell.

Hinata is on here way to the mall, she will be buying some materials for their booth. Good thing it was not crowded and she was able to safely ride the bus. She was checking her message to see if her teammates wanted something.

On the other side Johzenji was in a turmoil. Terushima wanted to join a singing contest called Song for You and win the prize money since he was running low on cash.

He went to get a part time job at Sakonoshita Store(Coach Ukai's store) but was immediately declined after he told him he only needed to work for 2 week and that he wanted to earn a hundred thousand yen.

He really thought he will get the job since their manager Hana help him prepare his resume for him and even wore a suit.

They were practicing their performance for the first time and heck he didn't expect this.

"Bobata you sounded like a shrieking frog.. And I don't even know whether frog shriek" Izaka complained.

"dude i thought my ears were going to break" Tsuchiyu covered his ears.

"I thought you know how to sing" Terushima ask Bobata

"I did but I never said I was good at it" he answered, he was not expecting they were serious on entering a competition since most of the time they would just joke around. He was even shocked himself that they called him earlier since the contest was about to start.

They all remain quiet.

"ahhh how am I supposed to go to Karasuno's booth if I don't have money...... My wallet is crying right now" Terushima said, he was even boasting in their group chat(Nishinoya added him after the MUKBANG) with his rival that he'll contribute by purchasing their items and get a special award that they prepared.

"ack and I was really excited to see Karasuno's managers and their number 10" Izaka commented..

"I even heard the girls well cook all the food in their menu" Numajiri added and was seconded by Tsuchiyu

"yeah... All the excitement were wasted since we don't have the money anyway" Higashiyama sadly said and pack his guitar.

"let's just clean up....if only a certain person didn't let us down" Futamata reluctantly grab his bass guitar.

"yeah" they agreed living Bobata feeling guilty.

"hey guys your making me feel bad about this" he said but they didn't listen.

"do you have enough spare for the fare" Futamata ask after checking his wallet..

"no... Let's just walk...." Numajiri answered removing his hand from his empty pocket.