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Futakuchi, Aone, Konanegawa and Sakunami were riding a train headed back to Miyagi. It was getting crowded, but good thing was they found sit before it was too late.

Hinata was on her way back to Miyagi. She looked back and bid her farewell to her cousin Kita Shinsuke, the Inarizaki captain. She was staying in Hyogo for 3 days because of a family reunion.

"Take care, don't try to wonder of and remember your stop" he patted her head and smiled.

"I will byebye" she kissed his cheek and ride the train.

She was really excited to go home. In two days Kageyama will be back from his training, shell make sure to surprise with his new skill in receiving.

The four tall men was standing up close to the doors, they had offered their seats to an old lady with two grand kids with her, a pregnant woman and a disabled person. Futakuchi has a bad personality but he was not that rude. He was holding the horizontal bar when he heard a familiar sound.

"go go let's go, let's go Dateko" it was not that loud but he could hear it because that person was behind him.

He looked back and saw a small girl wearing a big hoodie, looking at her phone while her back was leaning on the wall. Well she couldn't reach the handles so it's probably better to lean on the wall than face flat on the floor. She was still looking at the girl when she suddenly looked up.

"go go let's go let's go Dateko" Hinata cheer for Dateko, she was currently watching their old match, she had finished watching. She close her phone, she looked up and was shock to see who it was .

"oh, Dateko" she muttered, what do you know, she was just watching their match and now his seeing him.

"Karasuno #10" he was stunned, the girl he been stalking after the spring semifinals game. He didn't really get to see her face clearly before but now that she saw it face to face, he was bewildered. He never knew that such person could exist.

"Hinata/Hinata-Chan" Aone, Koganegawa and Sakunami said

"Aone-san, Kogane, Watari hello" she smiled at them and then looked at the man in front of her.

"Hello Futakuchi-Senpai" she said and smiled at her sweetly, eyes still shining so bright despite being tired. He couldn't help but looked away.

There is that bewitching smile again...

The smile has been bugging him eversince the tournament, he told himself that if the girl would smile at him he again he wouldn't feel the tingling sensation inside his chest.

He wanted to prove that the girl is just like any other girl out there.

But damn he was wrong, well not technically his not, cause what his feeling right now is way worst than the last time.

He felt out of breath and just want her to look at him and only him.

He was getting possessive as minutes go by.

He wanted to hide her away from her friends but he knew if he do that it, the light surrounding her would but glow down and he don't want that.

He want to keep her but at the same time let her out in the world and shine even more.

The girl has this aura around her where you just want to possess and keep, protect from all the harm.

Is this what people called the moe type.

The ginger was busy talking to Aone and Koganegawa when she saw Futakuchi looking at her, eyebrows was almost crossing.

He look pissed, is he angry at me for suddenly talking to them... He a bit scary too... I really wasn't trying to interrupt you guys....

SUNLIGHT (HAIKYUU FANFICTION|FEMALE HINATA ) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt