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Futakuchi woke up early than he normally would. It was still 4 in the morning. He looked around and saw everyone still sleeping. Well you can't blame them, the weather was cold and it was the perfect time to laze around the house since they couldn't do much because of the rain.

He stand up from his bed and decided to go to the kitchen. He was getting hungry so he wanted to grab some food if their are any or even a drink would be fine.

He went straight to the kitchen and was expecting no one their but to his surprise a small girl with ginger hair was dragging her blanket and is about to step on the stool.

He observed the girl for awhile trying to deduced what she was planning to do.

Hinata woke up feeling hungry, she rub her eyes and saw everyone sleeping. She yawn and decided to prepare food even though she was too weak to prepare one.

Dragging her thick blanket she made her way to the kitchen. She roamed her eyes around and was disappointed that there are no left overs from last night's meal.

Sighing deeply she grabbed some eggs and vegetables.

"hmm there's no rice" she said as she looked at the container.

If she remembered correctly her mom would store the refill on the top shelves. Grabbing the stool she step on it and attempted to reach it.

She wanted to face palm, the shelves was to high and it would be impossible for her to reach. She was about to go down when she accidentally step on her blanket and listening to lose balance. She close her eyes and wait for her to fall but instead of the hard floor she landed on someone.

She open her eyes and was shocked to see Futakuchi beneath her.

"FUTAKUCHI-SAN!!!" she shouted. She didn't know that the was here.

When the girl was about to fall he immediately run to her side but he kinda stepped to closed and didn't balance himself causing the two to fall.

He look at the elfin girl in front of her. She was really close and he could feel his face heating up. Not only that, he could also feel her chest against his.

Damn it... He thought. It was really soft and huge.....

"mind getting off me" Futakuchi said, there position is getting a bit awkward.

"oh sorry about that...... Thanks saving me there Futakuchi-san" she said and stand up. She helped the man afterwards.

"what are you trying to do" he said covering his red face.

"I was trying to get some rice but it was to high. I'm actually getting hungry.....*growlllll" she said honestly and blush when her stomach made noise.

"can you even cook at that state" he asked. He wanted to pinch her cheeks because she was so cute getting embarrassed. But of course he wouldn't do that, it would be out of character if he did.

"well I can try cooking a simple one" she said as she tried to hold the knife but he stop her.

"that's dangerous.... I'll cook.... Though it's only a fried rice... I can't cook anything else... I'm getting hungry too so I might as well cook" he said and made her sit on the stool. He took the rice and placed and place them on the table

The girls eyes sparkled, she was getting really hungry so she wouldn't complain.

"Reallllyyyy, thank you so much Futakuchi-san you're a life saver" she said excitedly. He turn around and his face redden even more.

"Dont expect too much" he said and began to prepare the ingredients.

He was getting nervous for some reason. This will be his first time cooking for someone and he doesn't know if he could make something edible.

"I'm fine with anything... I promise I won't complain" she said as she observed him cut the vegetables.

His movement were fast, maybe because he was too nervous. After mixing the eggs he heated the pan and for the eggs.

Afterwards he prepared the rice. Hinata's mouth started to water. She could smell the delicious fragrant. The golden rice sparkle everytime he stir it. Even put shredded chicken he found in the fridge and some mushrooms.

"waaah it's smell really good" she said almost drooling when Futakuchi added some tomato paste and the ready made stock.

Futakuchi finished cooking and he prepared to bowls one for each. He turned his back carrying the bowls in his hands. He place them in front of her and took out the side dishes. The girls eyes was sparkling and she was swallowing none stop. Futakuchi wanted to laugh at her reaction. She was really cute.

"her its done" he said and handed her share.

"Itadakimasu" they both said.

Hinata grabbed the spoon and took her first bite. He just observed her. Waiting for her to complain about it.

"it's........" she said.

Futakuchi gulped..

"it's......... Delioooouuuuussss" she said munching the food happily.

Futakuchi felt a thorn being removed from his chest..

"Futakuchi-san this is delicious, I never tried this one before" she said as she happily eat the fried rice.

"it's nothing special" he said hiding the smile on his face. He looked at the girl and she looked like a chipmunk.

She was eating happily like not a care if someone was watching. If it was someone else, they would have refuse eating this type of food because it would mess their face or whatsoever. It was overwhelming because someone actually enjoyed the food he prepared, from his pass experience most girls surrounding him would demand eating in a famous restaurant. Not understanding that the the guy their dating can't afford such luxury.

"if you want more there still some" he said seeing her bowl almost empty.

"thank you so much" she said sweetly as the guy took her bowl and put more food to it.

Futakuchi had finished eating and he was just waiting for her to finish. He was enjoying every bit of time they spend together.

Just him and her......

"hmmm what is that smell" Futakuchi's mood drop. He recognized that voice.

"oh Kogane good morning" Hinata said after seeing him.

"Goodmorning Hinata... Oh Futakuchi-san" he asked but was shocked to see his captain glaring daggers at him.

He gulped, it was a bad idea interrupting their time together. He might be oblivious at times but he still knew how his captain was head over heals to the ginger.

I'm soooo dead.... He thought

"Kogane you should join us too it's fine right Futakuchi-san" the girl happily said.

"of course it's fine Hinata, what are you waiting for Kogane, aren't you going to join us" when he was talking to the girl, he was polite and sweet but after he looked at him, his stares become menacing.

"no its fine, I'm actually still sleepy" he declined

"ehhh but didn't you want to taste the food Futakuchi-san made.. Come one he said it was fine" the girl pursued him and he gave no choice but to face the devil itself.

Aone-san please save me.. He thought as he began to eat. Every bite of the food was painful.

"the fried rice was really delicious Futakuchi-san, where did you learn to make it." the girl ask

"I learned it myself when I was running low on money" he answered.

Koganegawa can't help but be amazed from what his seeing. Futakuchi was smiling truthfully and not a shade fakeness can be seen.

If Nametsu is there, she would have been celebrating seeing her ship sailing.

Done with Futakuchi


SUNLIGHT (HAIKYUU FANFICTION|FEMALE HINATA ) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora