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"This wasn't supposed to happen. Just leave me."

"I won't."

I hear his voice from the phone. The hoarse and husky type which had always made me shiver in fear. I can't understand what's wrong with him.
Why did he chose me when he could have anyone ?  It's better if we part ways.

I am afraid of him and nothing can change that. He intimidates me like no other. For me he is the bipolar man who saved me but yet scares me too. I don't know if I can be with him or not.

A lone tear leaves my eye. I take a deep breath in, remembering the moment I met him. Aching my heart. I wish, we haven't met.

Why did this have to happen with me ?



He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have to. The silence tells me what he wants to but how could i answer, when i too was lost. Too lost to choose what I want. I don't know what to do.
I am too torn between my family and him.

Can I leave him when he is pleading for a chance, or do I have to leave my family who had always been with me ?

"Please give me a chance Mariyam."

That all took me to break down. I cover my mouth holding back the sobs only for the lumps to rise to my throat. Why did life had to push me in this situation ?

"Just divorce me-"

And set me free from pain. Set my father free from the worry.

"Dare you speak about divorce again Mariyam and I will-"

He yells at the other end making me flinch at his loud tone. This is what I am scared off; him. He scares me. His anger scares me.

Why is he not ready to divorce me when he doesn't even love me ? Why ?

A lone tear leak out of my eye and I quickly wipe it, sniffing lowly.

"Please don't cry."

How can I not cry ?

How can I not when I am bound to get destroyed either way ?

"Mariyam please don't make this difficult for me."

I swallow hard. Chest heavy, taking a deep breath out. I sniff. He knew i was crying, i could hear him let out a deep breath too.

"You are making this difficult Mr. Kirmani. Just leave me so that I can go back home."

I just want to go home with my family. I want this chaos to get over. I want to go back to my land. My India.

"You are home Mariyam. My home is your home now."

No, it's not. How can it be when we are to separate anyways ?

My lips wobble and I muster up the courage to speak even if the words came out stuttering.

"N-no. It's not. Just leave me. Y-you are perfect and you'll g-get anyone y-you want-"

"I don't want anyone but you Mariyam, only you."

His whispered, voice coming out soft, just like the tone he uses on Samaira, his little sister. I don't know what changed but this tone feels distant to me. His harsh, cold tone is what I am accustomed to.

"I-i don't care. I am thankful to you for saving me, I really am but I can't accept this marriage. You married me forcefully-"

I sob. Finally letting it out.

"I am sorry. I thought you were selling information against me to our rival group and that's why I-"

His voice was full of remorse but I don't care. I don't care if he is sorry or not. My father doesn't want me to be with him and I am not in a right mind to take any decision, so I'll leave it to my father afterall, he would always want best for me.

"I don't care Mr. Kirmani. I was innocent which got proved and now when your silly game is over, it's now your turn to leave me. I want out of this sham."

I scream, trying to knock some sense into him. Maybe he'll listen. Maybe he'll pity me and leave me.

"You are my wife Mariyam and I won't leave you."

This time his voice was a little frustrated, making me chuckle. He doesn't have any patience. This man is void of patience but I am full of it and now it's time to use his weakness against him. I remember once his sister told me that he wants a beautiful wife, which I am not.

"You are perfect Mr.Kirmani and I am not. You have everything. You got fame, money, wealth, looks, people who cherish you, love you, are totally a fan of you, and me....I-i am a nobody."

I go on while all I hear is silence from the other side. Maybe he is considering my thoughts.

"H-how can you be with an average girl when you have a long queue of beautiful girls after you ?"

I can't believe I am about to voice out my insecurities to him but I can't help, he had to let me go. I can't be with him. He can't be with me. We are poles apart.

We are like parallel lines which can never meet. Never.

"Y-you don't get it. I am chubby. Short. Weak. I am not perfect. How can you want me?-"

"You are a fool Mariyam. That's what you are-"

He chuckles at end, taking deep breaths, making me frown at his behavior. Had he again switched on to his bipolar mode ?

"You don't know what you do to me. You don't see what i see in you. Just a smile of yours has me breathless. Or the sound of your voice never had i thought i could do wonders to a man like me. You are precious. My precious. My wife."

His words flutter my heart but no, I can't fall for it. No, I can't. He has to leave me.

"Have you seen butterflies, they are beautiful and they make the world beautiful with their presence. They are unaware of their beauty while the whole world sees the beauty they hold. That's how you are to me. A butterfly unaware of its beauty, but beheld by the eyes, sees the perception.... Just give me a chance Mariyam."

I hear the distinct voices of my family. Especially my father, who I love so much making me close my eyes and answer him for the last time.

"I-i am sorry. You are different. Everything about us is different. We can't be together. We are not meant to be. It's not possible. Our marriage was just a mistake. Don't call me again."

"Okay! I won't call you from now but the next time we meet, it's me going to come to take you with me, to home. Our home."

His voice came strong and determined before the line went dead.

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