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Na Jaane Kaise Parakhta Hai Mujhe Mera Khuda,

Imtehaan Bhi Sakht Leta Hai
Aur Haarne Bhi Nahi Deta....


Her hands were pulled out directed towards the heavens calling out to the almighty to ease her worries, her painful separation from her loved ones. Her eyes were filled with tears, they were desperate to be heard by him, the one who was putting her through all the pain, the one who was handling her affairs, giving her the courage to go on, giving her the hope for a better tomorrow.

Finishing her fajr prayer she blowed the air towards the sky and then rubbed her hands over her face, which was glowing with the noor, and wiped her wet cheeks making her way towards the window to look outside.

The view outside her new room was so appealing that Mariyam wasn't able to stop herself but go downstairs towards the garden area.

Sauntering towards the whole area she stopped over the white rose bush, remembering her father who loved white roses and smiled admiring the bush, not aware of the other person's presence with her. “Who are you ?”

Startled, Mariyam turned towards the voice finding an elegant lady wrapped in a light blue shawl holding crutches which were supporting her to stand. She too just like her was standing near her the area she adored the most after her children.

The lady's gaze was fixed upon her, and her nose was scrunched in an irritable manner.

She was clearly displeased with her presence.

Mariyam's heart thudded as she looked up towards the lady's direction and finding her sharp eyes scrutinizing her as if she was trying to read her which made Mariyam squirm uncomfortably and apologise for disturbing her. “I-i am so s-sorry for d-disturbing y-you.”

But the lady overlooked through her apology and narrowed her eyes more not liking her answer at all. “I asked who are you ? Don't you understand simple words.”

It was harsh.

And Mariyam felt it going directly on her heart. Even though after going through continuous years of rejection she still wasn’t habitual to the harshness of the society. It always stinged her. It always did.

But the strange thing was she never adapted world's hatred within her heart. She had never channeled the hate towards someone else to lessen the pain, instead she took it all towards herself and still managed to smile.

She was Mariyam Noor Khan and world didn't had the power to change softness she had; it was her fittrat.

And that's what she did when she replied the lady. Her voice was soft, full of respect just like her father had taught her. “I-i a-am Mariyam a-and Mr. Kir-”

For a second she saw the lady's eyes turn into admiration but then it was masked up with the same cold expression which she thought was similar to someone, as she heard the lady speak again “So you are the famous girl my son saved....Hmmm...” Her eyes had again started scrutinising her entire form, making her look down feeling concious

“You look innocent....” her words came out as a statement but then she paused as if taking a break when she again spoke, this time her eyes were a little softer unlike her words which were cold, making Mariyam suck in a deep breath to calm her nerves. “But I have always seen the ones with the innocent faces are the greatest deceivers, the biggest liars....”

The lady standing in front of her seemed to be lost somewhere whilst looking at her. It looked like she was reminiscing something old, something related to the unpleasant memories of her past.

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