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Ishq Hai To Shak Kaisa
Nahi Hai To Haqq Kaisa...


Her heart froze.

She wasn't able to believe he really said that and took his words as just a mere fragmentation of her brain, which was making up things which weren't real.

It was just her stupid brain.

“Mariyam!!” watching Mariyam lost in another world, Musa clicked his  fingers in front of her face making his presence clear, not liking the way she was ignoring him.

He wasn’t able to understand her.
She standing calmly just like a statue not giving any reaction to his words.

Was she acting or shocked ? He wasn't able to understand whatsoever.

“Mariyam!!” getting no response from her, he squeezed her forearm this time hearing her hiss in response.

“What did you want Mr. Kirmani ?” looking up towards Musa’s direction Mariyam answered, not able to hide the tone of irritation her voice held and rubbed her forearm, taking few steps back from where he was standing, creating distance between them which he always forgot to maintain.

“I. Said. You. Are. Going. To. Marry. Me.” Dismissing her tone, he came directly to the point, announcing his decision to her, watching her eyes widen in shock.


She heard him and this time his voice was all clear, her mind correctly registering his words. There was no confusion this time.

A big scowl marred her face, as she concealed the thousands of questions whirling inside her mind and gave him a straight answer without thinking for another second.“N-no!! My answer. It's a No.”

Her voice faltered watching his jaw hardening but her decision didn't. If he thought he could keep her and insult her for life then he was wrong.

There was no way she was going to marry him. It was a NO from her side.

A clear NO.

“Do you think I asked for your permission Mariyam ?” rejection brought a big blow on Musa kirmani’s ego which he wasn't able to take, as he pulled Mariyam towards himself, watching her squirm uncomfortably.

Mariyam Noor Khan was definitely something else.

Girls damned themselves just to have his mere glance, but she never liked his attention, nor did she liked standing close to him. It was like she was immune to his handsome looks.

And it was not okay for him.

Nor for his heart.

“How could you... Yes!! I think you have lost all your senses... I think you should go and get some sleep.” Musa’s action of pulling her close angered Mariyam, which she blamed all on his mental health and advised him to sleep, so that he could stop his brain from letting him speak incoherent things.

He was not in his senses. For if he would have been then he won't have asked her for marriage. Afterall which man wants to marry a girl he doesn't even trusts ?

“SHUT UP!!” Musa roared glaring at Mariyam, warning her to stay quiet not liking the way she was hailing him sick and held her chin within the grasp of his sleek fingers, trying to make her understand about his decision holding full authority in his voice. “Listen to me carefully Mariyam. We are getting married and you have no option other than saying ‘yes’. Got it ?”

“NO! I won't-” Mariyam wasn’t able to complete her sentence as her mouth was concealed by Musa who pushed her towards the wall, stopping her from speaking further. “Mariyam!!!”

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