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Alice's POV:

While Carlisle was talking with Aro and I filled the boring time by talking to Y/N, I slowly got curious about how she felt about everyone and everything, so I decided to ask her question after question. I wanted to become friends with her and knew we would.

"What do you think of the people who live with you?" I inquired, my gaze drawn to her fingers."Well, daddy is nice; he gives me food exactly when I need it; he takes care of me and is very sweet; also, he teaches me how to play the piano. Marcus It's both interesting and intelligent to me. He is not only my teacher but also my best friend, and he knows the answer to everything. Jane is nice but still doesn't like the fact that I will probably be stronger than her later on. And I basically never see Alec.'' She replied without paying attention to it, just letting her mind flow everything out of her. ''And Caius?'' I asked, unsure how she would react, which was cuter than expected.

She immediately turned red and looked surprised at my question; she ignored him in her answer on purpose. "Well, I don't see him that often, I guess." She stuttered, still as red as a tomato. ''Tell the truth.'' ''I spoke the truth! But not the entire thing. The only time I see him is when he is sitting on his throne, killing people or with a woman towering over him, and when I wake up and walk past his room, where the door occasionally opens and I catch a glimpse of him while a random girl walks out in nothing but a towel.'' She replied innocently.I don't think she understands what he is exactly doing with those women, but that's okay.

"But what do you think of him?" I followed since she didn't tell me that. She turned even worse, her eyes turning darker by the second; this was cute. "Well, I find him rather interesting since how he acts is way different from the rest. Also, he tries to look like he doesn't care about me, but he does. Sometimes I wished I knew what he was thinking. And also why he likes to make women sound weird, but I don't know what that sound is.'' "What sound?" "Every time a woman is close to him or on him, she makes weird, high-pitched noises, and it annoys me." ''I-'' Caius, why are you acting so sexually around a small child? Are you serious? "That's called moaning; when someone does something to another person that they like, they sometimes make that sound." I simply explained, not wanting to go into detail. ''And I like his hair.'' She quickly finished, hoping I wouldn't hear it. "You secretly like him a lot, don't you?" I smiled at her, and she quickly replied with a "no."

Marcus's POV:

I know I wasn't supposed to listen, and I wasn't a fan of it either, but Aro told me I should and see what rings would appear if Y/N talked about one of us, not knowing if Alice would even ask that, which thankfully she did, and I was rather happy with the results. She saw Aro as her true dad and me as her mentor. Caius, on the other hand, was an oddity to understand; there was a connection to love, but it was so low that her curiosity towards him covered it all.

"So she sees us as a family? Gladly, then we won't need to worry about that anymore. I wanted her to feel comfortable around us, which she now, thankfully, does.'' Aro smiled after I told him the news. I never told him about the slight affection because I didn't want to reveal her little secret while she was still so young, she should be able to uncover her own feelings without others constantly barging in.

"Let's get going. I feel like we got some answers to what happened, but sadly, there is nothing we can do. When her body is fully grown we will just make sure her mental age grows toward it. After a few years, it'll be the same as her body, so we do not need to worry about that'' Aro followed happily.

Y/N's POV:

Rosalie screamed my name for me to turn around just as I took daddy's hand. "Some blood for on the way; we don't want you to starve.'' She said the last part in my ear as I took the bag from her grasp. "Thank you," I answered sweetly, smiling and waving before I followed daddy, Marcus, and Caius back home.

The ride home was fun! Because we were only four people, I sat on Daddy's back and ran through the woods back to Italy! Sadly, like always, the moment we went inside Volterra, Caius just disappeared. "Where did he go, Marcus?" I asked, not knowing where since I didn't see him that often. "Probably somewhere hunting, or back to his room." "I want to hunt too!" Aro smiled at my comment, letting me sit on his lap the moment he sat on his throne. "You can always ask him later when you're older, and maybe he'll be okay with it." This gave me hope. I just had to grow as fast as possible so I could hunt with him and impress him!

I jumped off Daddy's lap and ran to the hall, where I smelled a lost tourist and a lot of blood. Maybe she fell? When I turned around, I saw Caius hovering over the woman I had smelled, and I could hear him sucking her blood out—that was my food!

I ran up to him and sat down next to him, which he didn't even notice, so I grabbed the woman's arm and drank with him; I was too thirsty to let him have her all to himself, and it was unfair to keep such a meal to himself.

Caius's POV:

I was too thirsty the moment we stepped into Volterra; I hadn't drunk any human in about three days! Thankfully, after looking around for a minute or so, I found a lost tourist that looked rather appetizing. "Hey, are you lost?" I whispered in her ear after I stood behind her, making her jump. "Oh, yes, I have no idea where I am actually; it's so big in here!" She rattled on. This annoyed me; can't she just shut her mouth? "Well," I followed as I caressed my fingers from her arm down, standing behind her. I finished while whispering, "I could show you the way to somewhere more entertaining." She seemed to like that offer.

I sliced her neck with my teeth, letting her scream for a few seconds until she died a painful death. I sucked her down, getting so taken away that I didn't hear anyone around me; I was so hungry. In some way, the body didn't have as much blood in it as expected, or I sucked it all out way too fast. Well, that's what I thought, but sadly, when I looked up, Y/N was sucking on the body too, via its wrist!

What is she doing here?

𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝘿𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙂𝙤 𝘼𝙨 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙 || 𝑪𝒂𝒊𝒖𝒔 𝑽𝒐𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒊Where stories live. Discover now