part 2 what are you?

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Everyone goes back to Kuoh the next morning after a fruitless search, none of them had slept. When they arrive at the school, they ignored everyone and went straight to the ORC. They entered and found it to be empty.

Xenovia: kind of glad it's empty.

Irina: same.

Gasper: we just wish he was here.

(Back with Issei)

Issei was washed up on a shore and eventually woke up and was more in control, his face stung a lot from the sea water on his cuts. Issei looks around and sees that he's alone, he tries to think of where to go but his mind is still messed up from yesterday. Issei decided to go for a walk and walked near a forest, he was too deep in thought to hear the sounds of twigs breaking behind him. Eventually Issei's instincts kicked in but just not quick enough, he felt something his right arm and when he looked at it he saw what looked like a skin walker but even more weak and skinnier than you usually see one. It's skin was ash grey and black lines on its chest what had a hole in it, was that injury? Issei asked himself, he looked at the creature in its eyes and saw no life in them, the bite only had enough force to pierce him skin but nothing more than that. The creature let go and fell to the ground, Issei looked at it and saw that it also had horns that pointed forward, the creature then slowly started to crack like cheap porcelain then turned to dust.

Issei: what was that thing? A skin walker?

Issei looked at the bite mark.

Issei: it barely had enough strength for one last attempt at a meal.

Ddraig: partner, you okay?

Issei: yeah Ddraig, I'm okay I guess.

Ddraig: Issei I think we should head back to the others.

Issei now starting to shake at the mere mention of them.

Issei: why should I?

Ddraig: because you'll be marked as a stray and when you were passed out on the cliff Asia, Irina, Xenovia, Ravel, Gasper and Rossweisse came after you. They tried to help but in your panicked state you attacked them and fell off the cliff. Don't worry they are not harmed.

Issei: Ddraig....I

Ddraig: Issei I know, you want to die after you went through and that's understandable but think about those who still care, other than those 4 devils did the others ever hurt you?

Issei: no...but...

Ddraig: come on Issei, don't make them think that you're dead. They don't need to suffer too.

Issei hesitates at first but reluctantly agreed.

Issei: alright Ddraig, let go.

Issei actives his balance breaker and flys home. After a while he arrived but was breathing heavily after he deactivated his balance breaker.

Issei: so...tired?

Ddraig: go home and eat something, you expended just about all of your strength. You did leave a few new craters on the moon after all.

Issei chuckles at that.

Issei: heh. Yeah...that I did.

Issei goes to his house and sees his parents and they were clearly worried about him. His mother Miki said.

Miki: Issei where have you been? We haven't seen you since yesterday.

Issei: sorry mom. Somethings happened and I needed to clear my head.

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