part 3. unleash

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A month has passed and Issei doesn't really interact much with Rias, Akeno, Koneko and Kiba unless it was necessary, however he was fine with everyone else and would smile around the other ORC members the most including Irina. During school hours his two friends may not completely remember what happened last month but had vague glimpses of it but remember what they felt to the fullest. They wouldn't peep on girls or tell Issei to join them but instead they stuck by his side, tried to make the best of their time with Issei, Issei was still depressed after everything, at night Asia would cuddle with him to make sure he wasn't alone but if she had a job then Ddraig would pull him into the sacred gear and keep him company. Issei got a prescription from a doctor to help control his anxiety and depression, they helped a bit, he bought a small watch and set a small alarm for each time he had to take his pills but unfortunately some of which went off during class and he just didn't care if people saw him taking medication. Some of it was for his high blood pressure, anytime his BP increased without natural causes would make him tremble as it reminded him of that day. The teachers and students all looked at him in worry, his hands would shake whenever any girl or female teacher would come near him or talk to him, he couldn't make eye contact for more than a few seconds, he had all the visible signs of depression, dark circles under his eyes, pale skin, he was skinnier than usual, he was silent and barely made a sound when forced to interact. In those days all the kids in Kuoh academy noticed the 3 sitting together and completely ignoring the girls, not one glance in the past month they wanted to know what brought on the change. Aika the lady perv walks over.

Aika: sup pervs?

Issei: oh hey Aika, how's it going?

Aika was surprised at Issei's response, normally he would straight up tell her to go away.

Aika: umm I'm okay? You seem a little down.

Matsuda: Aika a moment alone please.

Aika and Matsuda go to talk alone.

Matsuda: Aika we need a favour.

Aika: sure but tell me what's up with you 3.

Matsuda: fine. Issei doesn't talk about it much but let's just say that his heart has been shattered and he's depressed.

Aika: that actually makes sense, he's usually with Rias and Akeno but most of us noticed that he's been keeping distance from them that includes Koneko and Kiba.

Matsuda: that's about the gist of it. He talks to the other members but not much maybe except for Asia and Irina. Xenovia and Gasper along with Ravel join us but Issei usually spaces out.

Aika: yeah...I noticed and when I looked at him in the eyes...they seem empty, he's gotten skinnier and pale.

Matsuda: yeah... we're worried about him.

Aika: you two really are friends and not just pervs.

Matsuda: no shit Sherlock, Issei's our friend and we won't leave him in his time of need. I ask him to come over and my dog became his support animal, I even let him let my dog go with him some days.

Aika: damn, there's more to you guys then you let on so what's the favour?

Matsuda: keep it discreet and stop any rumours from spreading please.

Aika: sure. I can handle that but tell me, why did he start shaking when I came over?

Matsuda: he's basically afraid of any woman except for a certain few which include Xenovia, Irina, Ravel, Asia and Rossweisse sensei. He can hardly maintain eye contact with any other woman.

Aika: that's why he look away the instant we walked over to talk alone.

Matsuda: yeah....

Aika: wow. Alright if he needs anything let me know, we may not look like it but we are friends so just tell me okay.

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