part 9. let the games begin.

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Issei: well hello to you too -_-

Rias: you're going on a date? Just weeks after breaking up with us? What the hell Issei?

Issei: okay first of all I just got back home after 3 whole weeks and this is what you do? Second, we're done remember? Whomever I date isn't anyone's concern but my own. And another thing, why do you all randomly burst in through the door? Should I put salt lines under the door now?

Rias came to realize as soon as he got home she questioned him without welcoming him home after 3 whole weeks.

Rias: right....sorry.

Rias turns around and was about to exit.

Issei: wait. Here.

Issei opens a portal to a pocket dimension and pulls out a few bags.

Issei: I got some souvenirs for everyone. This one is for you Rias. You still collecting animal figurines right? This little rabbit is the latest addition.

Rias holds the little glass rabbit figurine.

Rias: thank you Issei and welcome home.

Issei: thanks, glad to be back. Alright everyone grab your stuff, I'm going to check on mom and dad.

Irina: hey wait, you didn't tell us how your training went. Did you control that power?

Issei smirked then manifested the mask But kept his eyes closed to avoid scaring the others especially after how they feared him last time.

Issei: yeah, it's all under control Irina.

Issei makes the mask disappear.

Issei: have fun you guys.

Akeno: Issei, you didn't call us for 3 whole you still hate us?

Issei: not anymore. I did some soul searching and I'm okay now and I'm not lying Akeno.

Gasper: so what now?

Koneko: Issei will tell us about this new girl.

Issei: not a girl, a woman.

He blushed a bit and smiled as he placed a hand where she kissed him.

Issei: an incredible woman.

Issei then leaves to see his parents. Rias was hurt that Issei found someone so quickly, he referred to her as an amazing woman, he never said that to her, perhaps he was too afraid at the time.

Asia: he moved on.

Xenovia: still kind of miss the attention he gave us though but it's for the best.

Ravel: so Rossweisse, how did Issei control his powers?

Rossweisse: I don't know how he did it cause Azazel, lady Yasaka and I weren't around him at the time but after he did control it he looked happier. I can tell you what we experienced when in the 1st week. He trained the other 2 weeks to extend the amount of time he can use his hollow powers.

Kiba: now the other real question on everyone's mind.

Rossweisse: the girl?

Everyone: the girl.

Rossweisse: hahaha nope. I don't know much about her, sorry.

She says teasingly then left the room with a skip I'm her step.

Akeno: well....she's definitely giddy. Being around all those happy youkai children must be the cause.

Akeno: I wonder about the new girl though.

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