timebreaker......... (ii)

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(Timebreaker is about to skate away, but Misterbug catches her with his yo-yo.)

Misterbug: Time out, Timebreaker!

Timebreaker: Please, help me up, I messed up, please, please! (Rose sees her, and takes her hand to help her up.)

Rose: Okay.

Misterbug: Noooo!

Timebreaker: (steals Rose's energy) Hahaha! Sweet Rose! Always thinking of others before yourself! (Looks at her time meter) One minute.

Misterbug: I gotta destroy her akuma before everyone disappears for good! Come on m'lady! (Swings away)

(Mylène runs away from Timebreaker, but she trips and Timebreaker steals Mylène's energy)

Timebreaker: One and a half minutes. You won't be able to stop me where I'm going, Misterbug!

Lady Noir: (touches Timebreaker with her staff) Let me guess. We're all playing a game of tag and you're it?

Timebreaker: Exactly!

Misterbug: Don't let her touch you!

Lady Noir: (dodges Timebreaker) Missed me! Just a second too late.

Timebreaker: (sees Alya) He he he he! (Skates towards her and steals her energy)

Lady Noir: Nooo!

Misterbug: Well, she wastes no time, does she?

Lady Noir: Hmm...

Misterbug: (growls) And the more people she freezes, the more minutes she gets to go farther back in time! Those poor kids frozen in time...They're goners if we don't get that akuma!

(Timebreaker is about to steal Ivan's energy.)

Ivan: Ahhh!

Misterbug: (catches Timebreaker) Keep your hands to yourself! (Timebreaker snatches Misterbug and growls)

Hawk Moth: Now, Timebreaker! Grab his Miraculous! His earrings!

(Timebreaker is about to steal his energy, but Lady Noir sacrifices himself for Misterbug.)

Misterbug: (yells) Lady Noir! Noooo!

Timebreaker: Oh, wow, six minutes in one go! Must have been those nine lives. Gotta go! The past is waiting.

Hawk Moth: Timebreaker! The Miraculous! Take Lady Noir's ring before she disappears!

Timebreaker: (grunts) Uh...

Misterbug: Go ahead and try!

(Timebreaker brawls Misterbug. Misterbug throws away Timebreaker, Hawk Moth sounds angry.)

Timebreaker: Chill out, Hawk Moth. I have a sick plan!

(Misterbug tries to grab Timebreaker. Timebreaker runs up with Misterbug and her Burrow appears.)

Scene: Trocadéro. (Past)

(Timebreaker and Misterbug goes back in time and she throws Misterbug away.)

Misterbug: Wh-What... just happened? (gets up. He sees everyone cheering.) Oh wow, we've gone back in time, haven't we?

Chloé: Whatcha got there?

Adrien: Careful, it's Alix's!

Chloé: What is this? Some super old case or something? If it's Alix's, it's probably worthless.

Marinette: Give it back to Adrien, Chloé.

Timebreaker: (annoyed) My watch!! (jumps up)

Misterbug: Chloé! Put the watch down!

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