Story Headcanons

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Here are some Headcanons for the story!

-Rosie loves dressing up Tsuna since they met. Most of the clothes she makes for Tsuna closely resemble the outfits Tomoyo make for Sakura.

-Thanks to Velvet, Tsuna has a fanbase in Hell with over 33 million subscribers. (One of them is Tom Trench)

-Valentino has been less aggressive towards his employees and even Vox thanks to Tsuna. When she visits, he lets Tsuna talk with him, but she doesn't do any other 'interactions' there.

-One stupid lesser customer thought she was a new employee and harassed her in front of Val, only to be shot in the head. Though Tsuna was a little unfazed, she still repremanded his actions.

-One time when Val looked like he would explode from anger, Tsuna used her flames and next thing his employees knew, he went silent and fell back on Tsuna's lap. (Think like when Lilo put a leilei on Stitch) She does this with Vox too.

-Val and Vox both don't admit it, but they like Tsuna's meals, not to mention laying their heads on her lap. (Because it's soft...same with her hair)

-Tsuna works at the hotel as a therapist for sinners to be rehabilitated. Her sky flames come in handy as well.

-She had been able to help get 30 souls up to Heaven, Charlie is thankful for that.

-Lilith is happy that Tsuna helped make Charlie's project a reality, and dotes on her like a second daughter. Lucifer went along with it.

-Vaggie's grateful as well for Tsuna's alternatives for drugs and the like.

-Angel Dust is curious about Japanese mythology and even asks Tsuna about the demons in it.

-He also asks about Tsuna's Sky Cards as well, and he even tried to hit on Firey.

-Husk is interested in learning of the dying will flames and wishes he had sun flames so he wouldn't be so hung over all the time.

-Niffty likes the Watery and Wood, actually any card of Tsuna's is pretty to her.

Alright, I need some Headcanons for Alastor when it comes to Tsuna ,plz comment!

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