Oneshot: Cherri and Angel

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Alright! Time to start off oneshots! I'll start with something at a friendly level with Cherri and Angel!
Angel and Tsuna were out on the town, though Tsuna kept getting stares from other demons.

Since Velvet released that video, Tsuna gained a fanbase, mostly from demons that dig magical girls.

Cherri was also with them as they decided to do some shopping.

It wasn't much of a hassle thanks to Tsuna, because her cute face got them a lot of free stuff.

Cherri was curious on how Tsuna became a magical girl.

"You know Tsuna, I've been wondering. What do you have to do to become a magical girl?" She asked.

Tsuna sipped her soda. "Well first you have to look cute in frilly attire."

" Hahaha, you'll never catch me wearing a dress."

"Second, you Have to be Hopeful with Innocent Dreams, While Being Way Too Adorable and Merciful."

"Heh, who needs mercy?"

"But most importantly, you need to be able to attract handsome men without even trying. Especially in my case. My tutor had regained his original form, and he still teases me just to make me blush now."

"No kidding?" Cherri asked surprised.

"Well, 5 of my seven guardians are male, my age, and I've met Varia members who are interested in me. Mainly Bel, Squalo, and Xanxus. And don't get me started on those of Milliefiore. They used be our enemies in an alternative future, but we fixed up the problem. Those from it are Zakuro, Kikiyo, Byakuran. Then a few of the Acrobaleno; Fon, Skull, and Reborn."

"Lucky girl! You have the attention of all kinds of hunks, and I'm stuck with randos hitting on me." Angel complained.

"Yikes. Sounds like your life can be an otome game." Cherri said as they all laughed.

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