Haunted Lu Lu Land

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"An amusement park? In Hell?" Tsuna asked as she was sitting on a couch with Angel Dust.

"Yeah. After you rescued the Three Vs, Val and the others pitched in to get these tickets for ya. It's their way of thanking ya, or Val's way to make sure we stay quiet about what the Emotion card did." Angel said holding up 2 tickets. "Sides, everyone's busy and I'm on my day off. I'd invite Cherri, but she's occupied too. So you want to come?"

Tsuna thought for a moment and nodded. "Sure. It'll be nice to have a break from card hunting."

After notifying Charlie and Vaggie, Tsuna and Angel Dust took a ride to Lu Lu Land.

It was like a typical amusement park and at least no one was trying to kill someone.

"So Charlie's dad is the owner of this place?" Tsuna asked after going on a ship ride.

"Yeah, he's also the ruler of Hell, which is a pretty big deal. Why, don't they tell you about him in Japan?" Angel Dust asked as the two of them walked to another ride.

"Actually we had different demon and deities in Japanese mythology. There are also mentions of demons that have a soft spot for humanity and deities of fortune that favor the less fortunate. Some even tell stories of humans being raised by them and becoming heroes."

"I see. That's interesting."

Then Tsuna bumped into someone.

"Oh! I'm so sorry." Tsuna said as she turned to the person.

She was dressed in a pink dress with a black jacket and a beanie with a crown attached.

"Hey, you don't look like a regular demon. You look familiar." She said arching an eyebrow.

"Uh, I don't know what you mean..." Tsuna said as she start to panic a bit. 'Did Velvet release that video to Hell?!'

"I think we should get going though." Angel said as the two went somewhere else.

After a few rides, the duo was hungry.

They had some soda and hot dogs, and decided to relax a bit.

Then a scream erupted from a nearby shooting game. Followed by demons running and Tsuna feeling a presance again. No, two of them.

"There are some card spirits here!" Tsuna ran towards the source.

"Really?" Angel followed.

At the source, there was a strange red, black and white imp demon flailing around. "Somebody do something! Something's controlling me!" He yelled.

Two other imp demons, an owl demon and a wolf demon were trying to help but they couldn't get any closer to him.

"We can't get close because so much things are flying around and blocking us!" One of them yelled.
Tsuna took out Siege, Appear, and Lethargic and had them help the  demons. Siege trapped the main demon, Appear went through and showed two spirits.

One looked like a marionette doll with strings, while the other was actually a pair of hands with wings.

Lethargic then took over by using their power to slow them down.

"Forces without a master, heed the call of my Staff of Dreams and be one with my power! Secure!"

And the two spirits became two new cards.

Haunt and Marionette.

"Whoa! What was that Hocus Pocus you just did?" The same female owl demon asked walking up to Tsuna.

Angel and Tsuna looked at each other and Tsuna decided to move the whole group somewhere else to talk.

"Right, we never fully introduced ourselves. I'm Stolas, overlord. And this is my daughter Octavia." The male owl demon said.

"The name is Blitzo, but the o is silent."


"I'm Millie, and this is my husband Moxxie." "Hello."

"Well, you may already know Angel Dust, but I'm Tsuna." Tsuna introduced herself then Octavia gained a surprised look.

" That's why you look familiar! Your video's all over the net."

Eh? Video?

"Oh yeah. The Ragdoll overlord posted a video of you using your powers saving the Tech Demon overlord. I actually thought it was special effects till now. But it's pretty big." Loona said showing the video.

'12 million hits?!?!' Tsuna thought in panic.

"Wow! My first gig didn’t get that many hits till a month later." Angel commented.

Tsuna sighed at this.

But she still had a good time at the amusement park.
Later as everyone was going to bed, Alastor was just in the library and noticed a scarf that was Tsuna's. She probably left it there.

He took a sniff and lingered on it. It smelled so sweet. So human. A mix of sunshine, dew covered grass, and cherry blossom. All pure and clean. When was the last time he saw such things?

Unknown to him, a shadow that wasn't his crept in a corner of the ceiling.

The shadow smiled as it blew a wave of mixed hot pink, violet, and passionate red towards the deer demon.

He paused as he still held the scarf as the wave hit him.

Alastor fell to his knees and inhaled the scarf's scent again.

This time, his eyes glowed pinkish-violet as his ears twitched and he shivered. And a smile of ecstasy crept onto his face.

"Tsuna..." His voice went all staticy.
Ooh, our Tsuna's in trouble now.
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