New cards to track

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The group of four managed to get away from the scene of the battle, and into a quiet street near Rosie's Emporium.

"We can stay here a while, no one will bother us here." The tall demoness said as they went inside, and Rosie closed the shop early for answers.

Mimzy looked over Alastor for any injuries. Thankfully they were only minor ones. It takes a lot to take down an Overlord.

Tsuna was looking at the new Rampage card with a serious face, as if thinking about something.

"Alright, we're the only ones in the building. Miss. Tsuna. Do you mind me asking you what you did back there?" Rosie said getting everyone's attention as she sat down.

Tsuna basically gave Rosie and Mimzy the same talk about her cardcaptor secret, even showing the Sky Card book.

Then she felt two cards glowing.

"What's that?" Mimzy said as they directed their attention to two cards.

Light and Dark. Hikari and Kuromi

They wanted to talk as well.

"Maybe they know something about this." Tsuna said as she took out their cards and summoned them.

The two beings appeared and the three demons thought they could be mistaken for fraternal twins.

"Tsuna, we sensed that you obtained one of the lost cards." Hikari said.

"Lost card?" Tsuna asked.

"Yes. You see, many ages ago, another cardcaptor had been in charge of collecting the cards and were successful. But then one day, they were attacked by an unknown force. A portal opened, and some cards were dragged inside, thought to be lost forever." Hikari started.

"However, when we first came here to Hell, we sensed the presence of other cards. We didn't realize what they were until Rampage appeared. Though from the looks of it, Hell's influence has changed them." Kuromi said before turning to Alastor. "Has anyone seen any unusual event like the one with Rampage?" She asked him.

"Not at all. If fact, this is my first time seeing them too." Alastor said, as he put his coat back on.

"Then that means they were sleeping in Hell the whole time. They must've started to awaken when Tsuna came down here." Hikari said.

"Tsuna, you need to find the Lost Cards. Once you gathered all of them, only then they can be cleansed." Kuromi said.

Tsuna looked surprised before nodding her head. "Do you recall how many were lost?"

"27. Aside from Rampage, that makes 26." Hikari said.

"And I go on another card hunt. Again." Tsuna sighed.
Mimzy and Rosie agreed they would keep secret about Tsuna being a human, and she and Alastor walked back to the hotel.

"Are you serious about what you told those two ladies?" Alastor said referring to Hikari and Kuromi.

"Yes. I felt Rampage's feelings before I secured him. All that anguish...The lost cards were stuck down here this whole time, and they must've thought they were abandoned." Tsuna said sadly as Leon licked her cheek to comfort her. "But Hikari said that they can be cleansed too, meaning they can be saved. And they could be why I'm down here. To find and help them." Tsuna clenched her fist.

Alastor was surprised at her determination and quickly thought that such positivity would be tested down here until it was broken. A girl racing against the temptations of Hell while searching for forgotten cards. Will Hell or her Will provail?

The thought of it excites him!

He smiled as he bent to Tsuna's eye level. "Well, aside from watching the scum of the world struggle to betterment, it'll be just as entertaining to see you collect the cards while keeping your sanity and innocence intact." Alastor said as he placed a hand on her cheek, caressing it. "I wonder if you'll make it or not?" He chuckles before going over to the hotel.

Tsuna shook her head as she fought off the blush creeping on her face.

She will make it back home. She will!
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