Mimzy and Rosie

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Tsuna let out a sigh of relief as she and Alastor left the studio.

"That was probably tenser than the Guardian Trials back home. I thought he would actually attack us for a moment."

"Is that why you were so tense, my dear? Even if you can hold your own against him, I wouldn't let him do such a thing. Charlie would be mad herself if I let a guest get hurt." Alastor grinned.

"I suppose." Tsuna scratched her cheek as she felt peckish.

As if on cue, Alastor spoke, "Why don't we go somewhere to eat? I know a nice café to relax!"

"You would offer such a thing to me? Aren't you supposed to be an Overlord?"

"Yes, but I know other demons know better than to mess with the likes of me. Plus, you look like you need to relax from the recent meeting, my dear." Alastor said as he used his voodoo magic to have Tsuna in a different outfit.

But Tsuna shook her head.

"No thanks, Alastor, I got a dress to use," Tsuna said as she used a nearby stall to change quickly and came out in a cute Victorian dress.

"No thanks, Alastor, I got a dress to use," Tsuna said as she used a nearby stall to change quickly and came out in a cute Victorian dress

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Alastor was quite surprised by the dress choice and even though it suited her, making her cuter.

"That's quite a fetching dress, my dear," Alastor said as he offered his arm.

"Thank you, Alastor. It used to be my great-grandmother's. She loved Victorian fashion." Tsuna said as the two of them walked to the café.

Alastor asked for a table outside, and Tsuna was a little nervous.

"Aren't you worried if someone would start a turf war here?"

"A normal demon would, but they not stupid to cross paths with me, since I happen to like this particular café!" Alastor said as one brave waiter asked for their orders.

Alastor asked for the usual black coffee and a venison sandwich, and Tsuna decided to ask, "What do you recommend that has chocolate and a good meal here?" She asked sweetly.

The waiter blushed and said they have a delicious chocolate mocha that's the most popular and a fruit strudel. Tsuna decided to order those with a smile.

The waiter left with a goofy smile, and Alastor laughed.

"What's so funny?" Tsuna asked.

"I find it amusing that no matter where you go, many demons fall head over heels over that simple smile of yours." Alastor clarified.

"Is that bad?" Tsuna tilted her head to one side.

"On the contrary! I think it's interesting to see the scum of the world, beings of power even, to be brought down to their knees by a simple, refreshing smile that even angels would adore!" Alastor exclaimed with a smile.

As lunch passed, Tsuna was scared to see she was comfortable around Alastor, and even exchanging a few stories with him.

Alastor was hooked by the strange diseases that Dr. Shamal used to kill hit targets, and she had to convince him to cure one guardian of a Skull Disease. He found it amusing that the skulls would speak of the most humiliating things about that person before they died at sunset. Talk about died of embarrassment!

"Yoohoo! Alastor!" A chirpy voice spoke out!

The Radio Demon and the mafia heiress turned to see two female demons.

One was dressed as a 1920s flapper. The other was in a Victorian-era dress and hat and was carrying an umbrella.

"Alastor! I haven't seen you in a while! How are you?" The short flapper demon asked as she walked up to him.

"Ah, sorry, Mimzy, but I've been at a new source of entertainment." Alastor apologized.

The other demoness looked over to Tsuna in curiosity. "Oh, who might this young lady be?" She asked with a curious smile.

Alastor directed his attention to the other demoness and smiled. "Ah, yes! I would like you to meet the hotel's new patron, Tsuna! She's new to Hell! Tsuna, these are two friends of mine; Rosie and Mimzy!"

'So they are his friends. Might as well be polite.' Tsuna thought before responding. 

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet both of you." Tsuna greeted with her sweet smile and bell-like voice.

A minute of silence passed, and Tsuna wondered if something was wrong.

Then she was tackled by Mimzy in a tight hug. "OH, YOU ARE THE MOST ADORABLE THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! HOW SOMEONE LIKE YOU GOT DOWN HERE, I MAY NOT KNOW, BUT I WOULD BE FUMING!" Mimzy said as she gushed over Tsuna's cuteness.

"Mimzy, you might suffocate the poor dear. But you are right. She looks too innocent to be down here." Rosie smiled.

Tsuna was happy that she gained the approval of Alastor's friends, at least.

Then Tsuna felt a tense feeling up her neck. She felt this before.

Suddenly the group heard screams.

"Run! Our guns didn't work on it!"

"This is madness!"

"Every demon for himself!"

A bunch of demons began running like something was after them. And there was.

"Run for the hills!!!"

Demons on the street soon took cover as a gigantic creature came into view.

A huge, shadowy, black dog-like creature was running and snarling. Its neck had a silver steel collar with small chains attached. Its eyes were a bright glowing red.

"Alastor? What is that?!" Mimzy asked in fright as she hid behind Alastor.

"For once, I don't know what to say because I've never seen it before." The deer demon said.

Tsuna, however, could tell what it was from the energy it put out.

'It's a card spirit!'


Things are getting good!

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