The Happy Hotel

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In the limo, Angel Dust was playing with a window switch as Tsuna giggled a little at his behavior, which drew attention to the two girls in the limo as well.

"Uh, sorry, but who are you and why did Angel bring you with us?" A blonde haired girl in a tux asked.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Sawada Setsunayukihime. A new friend of Angel's." Tsuna smiled. "He helped me during that turf war."

Then the Leon turned back from his green bat form to normal, shocking the others.
"Oh and this is Leon. He's a metamorphoses chameleon." She said as she pet the reptile.

"That's cool. And, you did your part as well, saving my life out there. Or I would've been roadkill by now." Angel piped up.

"Well, I'm Charlie, princess of Hell. This is my girlfriend, Vaggie." Charlie introduced herself and the other demon with an x for one of her eyes.

"Though, you don't look like a new demon." Vaggie added.

"Actually, about that. I'm not a demon. I'm a human. I was sent here by an accident." Tsuna said with a nervous smile.

"Eh?! A human?!" Vaggie said in disbelief.

"It would explain the flames earlier. You still have your mortal soul." Angel said getting everyone's attention.

"How do you know this Angel?" Charlie asked.

"The flames I saw her use are dying will flames. A power that can only be access in the human world. And only a select few can actually manifest it. Usually those in the mafia. So which family do you work for?" Angel asked.

"Actually, I'm going to be the next head for the Vongola." Tsuna said, which made Angel fall out of his seat.

"You're kidding me!"


"Yeah, Vongola is prioritized above all mafia families. You can say they're the royalty of the mafia world." Angel summerized.

"Really? But you don't look like you could hurt someone..." Vaggie said to Tsuna.

"Well, I really don't like conflict myself, but I plan to fulfil my ancestor's wish. you see Vongola was originally a vigilante group with the first generation. After my ancestor retired, his nephew turned it into a mafia group, and climbed their way to the top, taking lives of others along the way. The last two heads before me learned of Vongola's origins, and have done their part to repair the debt they belived they owed. Now, their hoping I could finish the job. By now, most of the mafia world already recognizes me as the next head, and are pretty accepting of it. In fact, my refusal to kill even my enemies has been overturning generations of immutablity. I don't know if I can fully complete Vongola's original mission, but if it means protecting my friends, I'll try." Tsuna said.


"Gotta admit, that's deep." Angel said impressed.

"Yeah, if only demons down here could be that optimistic with Redemption." Vaggie said crossing her arms.

Tsuna looked confused, but that Charlie explained her idea for Hell with her hotel idea to redeem sinners.

Tsuna thought it sounded like a good idea, but thought Charlie was targeting the wrong people too quickly.

"Have you thought of looking for demons who are in despair first? Those who have nowhere even here to go? And get to know them bit by bit." Tsuna said as she and Charlie exchanged different ideas while Vaggie decided to grill Angel for his actions on live TV.
Once they got to the hotel, Tsuna noticed the inside looked half-fixed. She wondered if they ever did take the time to repair the place.

"Hey, doll. Popsie?" Angel asked offering Tsuna a popsicle from a nearby cooler.

"Thanks Angel." Tsuna smiled.

Then...Tsuna heard some noise from the main entrance.

And her Hyper-Intuition went off like an alarm. It never did that before. And Leon buried himself in her hair as if he felt it too.


Then Charlie slams the door again and turns her head, "Hey, Vaggie?"

"Whaaaat?" Vaggie asks with an irritated expression.

"The Radio Demon is at the door!" Charlie nervously answers, imitating the man's smile. Then points to the door.

Vaggie quickly sits up in shock, "What?!"

"Uh, who?" Angel asked with a disinterested look.

'Radio Demon?' Tsuna thought.

'Whoever he is, he's probably not good news...'

Alastor is coming now!
Suggestions for interaction between him and Tsuna? Plz comment!

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