Chapter 19 The Threat

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After two days of rigorous training with Strat, Seth had managed to hold the Lightning Elemental Armor for about half an hour, and that was all. Strat said that the outcome had been the best that could be expected within the time that they had been given, but Seth couldn't shake his sense of disappointment that he couldn't achieve more during this time. During these two days Seth had chosen not to speak with his family much. It wasn't that he hated his new family or that he was angry with them. He simply found it awkward to talk with them. How do you start a conversation with a person you haven't  spoken with in almost 17 years. " Hey how has the last 17 years been?" No Seth knew it would take more than two or three days for this awkwardness to subside. Seth and the rest of his friends were standing near the edge of the barrier. Seth's dad and his sister had come to see them off. Aria and Michelle had made a complete recovery under the careful watch of the elves. Both wore fresh clothes under their newly polished armor. The brown cloaks that their entire group wore over their armor had been freshly washed. 


"I wish you could stay longer," Stevos said his eyes clearly lingering on Seth. Seth averted his eyes unsure of what to say. 

   "As do I," Strat said clasping Stevos's arm and pulling him into a hug.

"The little girl that came with you will be safe with use for the remainder of your journey."

  "I appreciate your help with that," Strat said sincerely.

   "It's not a problem, She is welcome to stay with my people as long as she wishes. I just wish she had some family for her. But never the less we will treat her as if she is one of our own," Stevos said. Strat mounted his horse and turning around he led the way through the barrier.  

    The King of the Elves kept his eyes on his son as he watched his son mount his horse, and leave his city on his way to save the world. 

   "Do you think we will see him again," His daughter Elisha asked as she watched the retreating back of her older brother." Stevos didn't even need to think about it. 

   "Of course we will, he is our family after all," he answered. But Elisha frowned her golden eyes showing the uncertainty she was feeling. 

   "Are you sure? He didn't seem to thrilled to meet us." Stevos couldn't help but sigh. He also had been very worried about how Seth seemed to keep them at arms length while he had been staying with them. 

   "Elisha we can't judge your brother by normal standards. It's not his fault that he had no contact with us for all those years. It can't be easy trying to connect with a family that you didn't know you had." His daughter shifted uncomfortably hopping from one foot to the other. 

   "Well why do you think mom never told him about us?" Once again Stevos was uncertain how to reply. 

   "That's a very good question daughter, that's a very good question.


   Katie opened her eyes to see thick steel bars that had been imbued with the power of shadows. This was of course to dampen or even cancel out her abilities. They had been on the move for a few days now. they kept her cage covered so that she couldn't tell where they were going. From the feel of the terrain over the last day or so Katie would have to say that they had entered the mountains. How they were transporting her was beyond her knowledge, Because she was locked in a cage that was capped on two ends by a slabs of concrete. But they were indeed moving that much she could tell. However she had no idea where she was being taken and that made her anxious. If she knew where they were taking her she could find a way to facilitate and escape. she could leave clues for example, but since she had been kept completely in the dark there was no way. She had only tried a forceful escape once and well... Katie coughed as the pain of her broken ribs became apparent. A souvenir of her doomed attempt at an escape a few days ago.

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