Chapter 2: A Hit and Run

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   Stratos Bannot, protector of the Academy was asleep in his king sized bed, wrapped in his soft Egyptian cotton sheets the last thing he wanted to do was get out of bed. So when a urgent knock on his door disrupted his slumber you can be sure he was remiss to answer it. But then another knock came and another.
   Struggling out of bed was about as bad as fighting a demon king. Whoever it was was about to get an earful. Stumbling, he made his way down the hallway toward his front door passing by the hallway pictures that depicted his many friend over the long long years. He paid them no mind. One of the only things Strat had to look forward to over the Many years he'd been alive was when he was able to sleep. So when someone woke him...
    Another knock on his door sounding more like a desperate bang this time. "I'm coming you lout!" Strat exclaimed angrily. Reaching the door Stray threw it open expecting to see Seth, who had woken him up several nights before to tell him about a dream of dragons attacking g the Academy. But instead a lonely agent stood on his front porch, looking very wet and very tired. Which wasn't surprising seeing as it was raining. The sweet musky smell of rain on grass permeated the air. But the agent looked as if he'd ran here in a very big hurry.
   In fact Strat realized that this particular agent was one of the ones he'd sent out on patrol to keep a look out for enemies approaching from the sky.
    Strat woke quickly adrenaline pushing his drowsiness from his body like white cells do infections.
  "What is it private Helio?" Strat asked his tone severe. The private took a moment to collect himself before looking up at him.
   "Sir Malcovitch was right they are coming."
   "How long till they get here." Strat had already summoned his armor and was preparing to raise the alarm but he never got the chance because just then explosion rocked the market square lighting up the night. The ground rumbled and shook the entire academy.
   " Sir they are already here," Helio replied. Strat sighed in annoyance, it looked as if he wouldn't be going back to sleep anytime soon.
  Raise the alarm I need you to be ready for anything." Strat order then he willed his double sided trident to his side. It was time to go to work.
    When the explosion erupted in the market Seth wasn't surprised in the least. In fact he was already ready for combat. For the last week since his dream Seth hadn't been able to sleep. Well not well anyway. He had been keeping watch over the main northern wall with the other agents on duty. Although they had asked him to rest he just couldn't bring himself to do it. So when the explosion hit Seth had been waiting for it. And just like his dream the dark shadows of seven enormous flying lizards blocked out the stars. Seth drew Sonfang as one of the dark shadows neared his position on the wall. Seth willed wings of light to appear on his back and took flight. Pushing towards the ground with his wings Seth ascended to block the path of the behemoths. The behemoths responded to immediately breaking up and scattering in different directions to attempt to go around him.
    Seth had been tormented with the dreams of these dragons for a week so he wasn't fazed by seeing them in person. The dark webbed wings trailing a cloud of darkness that seemed to be trying to drain the light of his wings. The glowing red eyes shrouded in black fire did little to unsettle Seth. The body of the dragon was as wide as a school bus and as long as two of them.
    Covered in hardened black scales that managed an ethereal glow. Only one dragon had stayed put to face Seth probably to keep him from going after the other dragons. So this had been planned. Seth raised Sonfang and prepared to fight
   The dragon made the first strike. With surprising speed the dragon spun on a dime lashing out with his spiked tail. Seth threw up his weapon in defense while also adding a defense
Light barrier sphere around him. Seth had been training non stop with Strat and Jack since they had saves the Academy. However the strength of a mythical creature couldn't be taken for granted. Seth managed to block it but he was sent flying to the ground. Seth smashed into a tavern roof and barreled straight through to the first floor. The resulting crater that was left was by no means small. Seth's light barrier protected him but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. Coughing Seth struggled to his feet. His breathing was ragged and strained. He looked up to the roof of the tavern.  
   One of Seth's wings had been injured when he fell but Seth simply repaired it with the light. Seth had been waiting for this attack for a whole week. He wasn't about to be taken out of the fight so easily. Seth crouched and raised his wing in the air.
   Jumping as high as he could Seth flapped his wings and shot up through the top of the tavern ready to battle the dark dragon. Only to find that it was gone. Quickly Seth spun around in search of the beasts... But they had all left. The only sounds were the crackling of fires that had spread across the city, and the panicked cries of the Academies' citizens.

The Heroes of the Elemental Academies  Book 2: Dragon's BreathWhere stories live. Discover now