Chapter 20: Oliver The Dwarf

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  Seth and his friends had been traveling for about a day now and the air had become crisp and cool. The ground had slowly began to rise at a steady pace as the Mighty Dwarf Mounts loomed ahead casting a shadow on the land at their base. At the base of one of the mountains sat a tiny  walled village made of stone that sat peacefully beside a river. This is where they were headed. The Dwarven town Burdenfawlk. The small town didn't look like much it had a simple stone wall and stone building that had clay shingled roofs. For as small as the city was Seth was surprised to find that there were actually quite a few hunters and trappers here. They entered the city after explaining to the dwarven guard at the gate that they had come seeking a guide to the mountain village.

   After telling the guard who they were looking for they were directed to a low building that sat on the outskirts of the town. As they approached Seth noticed several tanning racks with fresh hides drying on them outside. The low stone house had a thatched ceiling instead of the shingled roofs they'd seen causing it to stand out. From a chimney a plume of black smoke billowed out. A short grey horse was tied to a post outside. Strat motioned for Seth and the others to stay back and then he slowly trotted up to the front of the house acting as casual as can be.

   Staying on his horse Seth watched as Strat made a fist and slapped it across his chest horizontally and shouted.

   "Hail! Dwarfen Oliver!" almost immediately a call came in reply from the small house.

   "Hail! Human Stratos!" A small dwarf opened his door. He wasn't as broad shouldered as Barbratoss. And his body wasn't as wide but he had a thick brown beard upon his face that hid his mouth so Seth couldn't tell whether he was happy to see them or not. On top of his head sat a head of curly brown hair. He was wearing a set of steel plated armor that was exquisitely made. carved into the armor was a language Seth didn't understand. The Dwarven language! Seth realized quickly that this dwarf didn't belong in this town of hunters. Not only was he wearing the heavy plate armor of the dwarves but strapped to his back were two one handed axes. These axes were about two feet long with wide blades made out of a blue metal that seemed to pulsate in the light. The long wooden handles were wrapped in leather while the blade was traced in gold. They gave off a dazzling aura that Seth realized made it very hard to look away from them. Seth shook his head trying to free himself from the trance he was in.

   "So how have you been old friend?" Strat asked as he dismounted his horse. The dwarf named Oliver maintained his neutral expression.

    "Cut the crap," He said indifferently. "I know why you are here Barbratoss's message reached me yesterday and I am already ready to go so we shouldn't waste anytime. 

    "Wait Barbratoss contacted you?" Strat asked stunned. The dwarf didn't answer as he mounted his small grey horse. 

   "Yeah, he sent a letter explaining the situation and that you would probably come for my help." 

    Strat sighed as he remounted his horse. "As expected of Barbratoss his insight is as impeccable as always." 

   "We'll talk on the way we have a long climb ahead of us." Without so much as introductions Oliver turned his horse and began to trot away through the city but he didn't make it far before he stiffened. Seth sensed it at that moment as well. 

    "How'd they get into the city?" The dwarf asked almost to himself as he pulled on of his hand axes out of its shoulder sheathe. Seth nudged his horse to the front of the group as he pulled Sonfang, flashes of light and the sound of ringing steel indicated that the rest of his friends also drew weapons. Seth made way as Strat and jack moved their horses beside his. 

    "It's the new type," Jack muttered. When Oliver looked at him for explanation it was actually Strat who provided it. Seth kept his eyes on the road in front of him. The sleek figures of the shadow hunter demons were keeping to the shadows of the town. 

   i  "They're not attacking at least," Seth said as he observed them. 

   "They are probably waiting for us to leave the city," Mike said speaking up.

    "Yeah that makes the most sense, they'd be stupid to attack us in this dwarven city. There are guards all over the place," Matt said a thoughtful but firm expression on his face. 

    "So once we get out of the city we make a break for it," John said loading his bizarre gun with what looked like seeds.

    "Sounds good to me," Aria said.

    "But what if they follow us?" Rylee asked eyeing Strat.

    "Oh that's easy," The dwarf said his thick beard parting into a grin. "We fight!"

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