Chapter 21: Ambush

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It didn't take the demons long to catch up with their group. The demons moved swiftly running far faster than normal demons could. They could've over taken them if they wanted, but for some reason they were staying just behind them occasionally firing bolts of darkness at the group. Something about this didn't sit right with Strat. Shouldn't the demons be trying to keep them away from the portal? So, why did it seem like they were being herded in the direction of the portal it was almost like they wanted them to go there... Strat immediately stopped his         horse in the middle of the path. 

   "What are you doing Strat?" Jack called swinging his horse to a stop as well. But, everyone could sense that something was off, Strat sensed something. Even Oliver who had just joined the group knew to trust Strat's instincts.

   "It's a trap!?" Strat exclaimed openly showing alarm on his face. "And a clever one at that." Jack's eyebrows narrowed "A trap how do you figure?" Jack asked, pulling the hood of his brown cloak down to scan the surroundings.

   Strat jumped off his horse and took up a position of cover. "I'll explain it, but first let's get rid of our pursuers. Seth quickly followed raising his own earth shield in the path and taking cover behind it. The others follow just in time for bolts of darkness to start exploding around them. Strat however, knew that they didn't have time for a long drawn out fight. so Strat decided to release the power he normally concealed, at least a little bit of it. Quickly stomping on the ground Strat imagined the earth splitting open and swallowing the demons into it's depths. Strat reached out to the demons positions using the earth to sense where they were. The effects were immediate. The ground shook as a crack formed at the feet of each demon, quickly widening into a crevice that swallowed them whole before they could react. The fight was over as soon as it began.

   "Strat what was that?" a voice asked from behind Strat. Strat turned around to find John with an apprehensive look on his face. Through his power over nature he could probably sense what Strat had done, and since he had never actually seen Strat in action before he seemed to be quite surprised by his strength. 

   Strat shrugged," We are out of time if we want to get through that portal. Because if waiting for us at that portal is who I think it is, we are in for a world of hurt. It was now that Jack seemed to catch on to Strat's line of thinking.

    "You think Zach is waiting for us at the portal huh?" Strat simply nodded without looking at him. 

    "What makes you think that?" Travis asked a skeptical look on his face. Strat shrugged, because we have to assume he already knows we are coming and this is the move I would take if I were in his position. Strat had an intense look on his face. Strat stroked his chin as he tried to think of a way out of the trap they had found themselves in. Zach had made it to where there was only one move he could possibly make. Standing up Strat looked to his friends especially Seth, who had a uncertain look on his face.

    "There is no way around it," Strat said with a sigh. He had made peace with what he had to do. 

   "What is that look for?" Seth asked becoming uncomfortable under Strat's gaze. Strat heard a gasp and turned to see Matt his eyes wide with shock a look of understanding dawning on his face, and then his facial expression hardened as he began to stare Strat down. Strat immediately realized that Matt had figured out what he was planning.

   "No Stratos, I won't let you, You are too important."

    "It's the only way," Strat replied calmly. "Only I have the power necessary to hold him back for any significant amount of time. Besides it's the reason I came with you guys." After this realization dawned in the eyes of each of his friends as they understood his intentions. 

   "Strat no!" Seth exclaimed and Strat felt his heart ache. The last thing he wanted to do was leave these amazing people he'd gotten to know so well. But, there wasn't any other option if they wished to get the Gem before anyone else.

    Strat held up his hand to stall any further complaints before he looked his companions in the eyes one at a time.

    "This is what must be done. Besides, I don't know What Zach has learned since I last saw him but there is alot of you who know how powerful I am. There was no boast in his words. Because he didn't need to. It was an undeniable fact that Strat was one of if not the most powerful agent in the Lightforce Academies. These words seemed to quell there objections for the moment but Strat could tell that Rylee and Matt still wanted to argue. Strat's eyes glanced to the side to where Jack was standing. Jack was without a doubt Strat's closest friend. Although, Jack didn't speak much or interact with individuals, Strat and him had been through countless life and death battles together. They knew each other extremely well. But Jack said nothing, he simply looked up towards the mountain. Oliver who had been quite during this time cleared his throat. 

     "Can you all please do the sappy thing later we have a mission to complete." With this there was no more conversation. Strat turned to the group and explained then plan.

    "I'm going to directly confront Zach, meanwhile it will be your guys jobs to get through the portal by any means necessary. That's the plan." 

   "Alright Oliver would you lead them on ahead. I need to have a word with Jack. We'll catch up with you." Everyone stared at him with curiosity but they followed Oliver and once again started up the mountain. Strat waited until the group was out of sight before he turned to Jack.

    "My friend how many tough spots have me and you found ourselves in over the years?" Strat was sure if he didn't try to convince Jack right here there would be no way that Jack would leave him. 

    Jack shrugged his eyes seemed trained on the spot up ahead where the rest of their friends had disappeared.

     "So then do you really think I'll die here. I won't let Zach beat me."

    "That's not what i'm worried about," Jack said in a low tone. Strat was puzzled. 

    "Then, what are you worried about?" Jack sighed and turned his green eyes on Strat. 

     "Strat, i'm worried that you won't be able to do what it takes to end this." Strat frowned immediately understanding what Jack meant. Zach had been Strat's pupil and instead of hate Strat felt a great sadness for Zach. So what jack was worried about was that Strat would let his guard down and attempt to persuade Zach. That could prove fatal if the other one was only out to kill you. Still Strat shook his head. 

    "Jack if you are going to ask me not to appeal to him, i'm going to tell you you're wasting your time. We are followers of God, Blind hate isn't something that should be inherent to us. I will talk to him, but i'm not stupid Jack I can promise you I won't die from this." Strat turned away from Jack and began walking up the hill behind him in a soft voice he heard Jack say

    "I hope not my friend." 

The Heroes of the Elemental Academies  Book 2: Dragon's BreathOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz