Chapter 24: The Floating Fortress of Aralu

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Seth felt a wave of nausea pass through him as they passed through the portal. Seth's eyes got blurry and it became impossible to make out one object from the next. Suddenly just as fast as it came the nausea passed and his vision cleared. As soon as he could focus his eyes he realized he was in a completely different place. The blue sky was far above and them dotted with clouds and even though Seth could immediately feel that they were in the sky he couldn't enjoy it. He could already hear the sound of dragons somewhere in the fortress. 

   It was then that pain reminded Seth of his wound and all at once he collapsed.

   "Seth!" He heard Rylee cry and he felt John and Mike prop him up against a wall. There was only one way to stop the bleeding it was something Seth had thought of right before they had entered the portal. Pressing his hand to his side Seth reached out to the power of fire and he felt his hand heat up as a response. Bit by bit he increased the heat until it became searing. If the pain in his side hadn't already been enough to almost make him pass out the heat would've definitely finished the job. He'd seen this done om so many action movies and although the movies showed that it would hurt Seth never imagined it would hurt as much as it did. Thankfully Seth's body was mostly numb and he quickly cauterized the wound stopping the bleeding. For a few minutes all Seth did was sit with his back to the wall eyes closed and try to recover. But he didn't have much time. He soon became aware of a massive amount of movement in the city. Through the earth Seth could feel several building sized objects that had been in the fortress had disappeared. Seth opened his eyes and took stock of the situation. He sent out an earth pulse so he could find out the layout of the fortress. And a few minutes later he couldn't help but being shocked.

     To say this fortress was gigantic would be a huge understatement. It was almost the size of a small city, several miles wide and probably holding more than one hundred acres of land. The fortress had a citadel which sat at the very center of the fortress as a huge graceful spire. It was surrounded by three walls going from shortest to tallest and made out of a flawless white stone. Seth and the others were in a courtyard within the third wall's ring. The courtyard they were in was exquisite, there was a stone pathway in the shape of a cross and lining the pathway were roses, marigolds, tulips pretty much every flower Seth could recognize and several he couldn't. In the middle of the courtyard sat a massive three stage fountain adorned with a little angel that was pouring water from a bucket endlessly. Unlit lanterns hung from posts along the pathway. on one end of the courtyard was a closed steel gate that led out into another area on the other end was another gateway that led deeper into the fortress. Although Seth was surprised about the fortresses size he was looking for a room in particular increasing his connection to the earth Seth looked until he found what he was looking for, a room deep inside the spire that was sealed by powerful elemental energies. Seth couldn't see what was inside.

   Meanwhile Seth could hear the conversation his friends were having.

   "Wow this place is huge!" Aria said in awe. 

   "How are we going to find where the gem is kept it could be anywhere." Travis commented. Seth had almost forgot he was there due to how quiet he had been lately. 

   "This place reminds me of home," Matt said a wistful tone in his face as he stared up at the clear sky above. Only jack wasn't speaking like Seth he had already figured out where the gem is.

   Suddenly Matt's face hardened and he looked out toward the outer parts of the fortress. "It looks like we aren't the only ones here we have incoming!"

   Seth looked out and reached out with the air and just like Strat had taught him with the earth Seth sent out a pulse of wind to detect any incoming objects. He immediately detected them. There were hundreds. Seth struggled to his feet the pain in his side very evident but after analyzing the situation he knew what the best play was for them. 

   Seth looked to Jack and saw that the same thoughts were going through his mind however he was hesitant and Seth knew the reason.

    "Jack..." Seth started

   "No! Seth I can't do that you are already injured." Jack exclaimed earning him the attention of the entire group. As Seth had expected Jack was already thinking the exact same thing as him. Seth smiled.

    "What's going on? what are you guys talking about? Seth should you be standing right now." Mike said approaching them.

   "Seth wants to stay behind and hold back the dragons so we can get the gem!" Jack said. Instantly there was a chorus of voices declining. The loudest being Rylee.

   "Seth we are not leaving you here!" Rylee yelled. 

   "Yeah man you are already injured we aren't going to let you do this," Matt said. 

   "We can't just Leave you, don't you want to find your mom wasn't she supposed to be here?" Michelle said. Seth shook his head a sense of calmness washing over him. 

   "My mom isn't here that much is obvious and I have no idea where she is. I... I don't know if I will see her again. However I know she would want me to get the gem at all costs and this plan has the greatest chance of succeeding." 

   "But you can't just ask us to..."

     "Did you guys forget I already have a gem. If I need to I can use it's power." Seth all but shouted. Seth could already hear the roars as the dragons were approaching.

    "Fine then if we can't change your mind we'll stay with you," John said. Seth blinked almost shocked. Did John just acknowledge him.

   "Then who will go get the..." Seth started.

    "We'll split up, we don't need everyone here to go take the gem," John continued. Jack who looked like he was in deep thought nodded to himself like he had just came to a decision.

   "Alright here's the line up. Seth, John, Aria and Michelle, Mike, and Oliver will stay here and the rest will..."

   "Wait!" Rylee called as she stepped forward. "I'd like to stay behind as well." Everyone looked at her including Seth who was trying to figure out what she was thinking.

   Rylee's cheeks became rosy with embarrassment. "I mean because I am the only healer here," She said. Jack nodded at this and then after a awkward silence.

   "I don't give speeches," Jack said a serious but slightly embarrassed tone in his voice. Seth chuckled along with the rest of his friends.

   "Yeah you might just want to leave that to Strat!" Michelle called. 

   "Wouldn't want us to be killed by your depression before the demons ever get to us," Mike added. This elicited another round of laughter from the group. Jack scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 

    "Let's get it done." He said and a chorus of affirmatives came from his friends. Seth drew Sonfang as The group going with Jack departed quickly going over the walls of the courtyard instead of trying to find a way through the gate.

 The roars quickly got louder as the dragons were now clearly visible coming at them. John stepped forward on Seth's right and Rylee on his left. Seth stood as straight as he could watching the incoming dragons, trying his best to ignore the immense pain in his side.

   It was the moment of truth.

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