Chapter 16: Family

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   The Palace as it was called by the elves was a sight to see. It was built into the side of a Great white tree several thousands of square feet wide. With many tiered windows and by Seth estimate at least six floors. The glass was done in a fashion that the fourteen century Kings would be proud of and the impossibly thick roots scattered out in every direction. The leaves hanging from the tree were every color of the rainbow. and each was from a different type tree. 

   "It's called the Tree of Origin or in Elvish it is pronounced as Elishiam," Tylis commented. Two of it's great roots extended out from the tree in a semi circle. and built into the roots were two sets of stair cases that led up to two gigantic double iron doors. In between these two roots was a beautifully carved fountain made out of pure marble. It had the fierce likeness of angles carved into it. And not your cute baby looking kind but the true angels fierce warriors with eyes of lightning and wings of light. Which is why is was so impressively carved. How much skill does it take to carve life like lightning, Seth wondered. As he stared up at the iron double doors that were trimmed in golden patterns he took a deep breath to prepare himself for what was about to happen. "What was his dad like," He wondered. "Will he even remember Seth, and how will he break the news about his mother. These questions kept whirling around in Seth's head as they were led up the steps to the big doors. Tylis put his hand lightly on the door and it began to open of it's own accord. Seth felt a hand on his shoulder he turned to see Strat looking at him concerned.

   "You ready for this?" He asked.

Seth shrugged "As ready as i'll ever be, I suppose."

   "Good! But I should warn you there is one more surprise in store for you in regards to your family, but i'll Let your father tell you." Seth shook his head.

   "Of course that's not the end of the secrets," He said. He looked back at Strat but he was just smiling. Seth entered the big tree with everyone else and was completely taken aback. the colors inside were so vibrant. They were brought into a large circular room, Lining the room were twelve high backed throne like chairs made of a pure white wood with red velvet cushioning. all these chairs sat facing the center of the room. and directly across from the entrance upon a raise dais was the thirteenth chair but this one was gold and had blue velvet seating. in each chair around the room sat an elf all young looking and even glowing with power. Up on the dais a man sat in the throne. He wore golden armor like that of the knights they had seen before, His long black hair was tied up in a bun and a regal crown of gold sat upon his head. The minute Seth's group entered Their eyes locked and Seth could feel the deep wisdom behind his golden eyes. wisdom born from living a very long time. Beside him stood a very pretty elf she was easily taller than Seth the same long black hair as the one sitting in the throne. She was tall and lithe she looked to be fast. From what Seth could tell she was eyeing Seth's group with suspicion.  Seth turned back to the king as Lord Tylis and Strat stepped forward to announce our group. 

   "Your Majesty Stevos i'm sorry to interrupt your meeting with the honored elders, but we have visitors from the Lightforce Academy, very special visitors." The king waved it off.

   "Think nothing of it Tylis." A smile broke out on his face as he stood and came forward arms open. He embraced Strat in a brotherly hug. "It's been too long old friend," He said Excitedly. Strat nodded in response.

   "Indeed it has been but not as long as it has been for you two, he said gesturing behind him to where Seth was standing. Stevos looked over at Seth a moment of confusion on his face. But then it cleared, and in a weak voice Seth heard his father say his name for the first time. "Seth? Is that you my son," He asked, the powerful and impossibly deep voice of a king he had been using before melted away as he rushed to hug Seth. Seth unsure of how to react didn't move as he was embraced. He was really unsure how he should feel. He vaguely heard Tylis announcing who he was.

   "Announcing the return of Prince Sethious Son of Lord Stevos and Katie Malcovitch." A collective gasp filled the air as the elders reacted in shock. Seth's father pulled back and seemed to study Seth's face.

   "You remind me of your mother," he said. Then another confused look crossed over his face, and he looked behind Seth as if he was searching for someone. "speaking of which where is your mother i'm sure she would've like to come herself." When Seth didn't answer Strat spoke up.

   "Actually Stevos that's why we've come. We have a lot to talk about." Stevos's eyes narrowed and he stepped back. 

    "What's..." He never got to finish because as before Seth could react he had been pushed out of the way and the girl who was standing beside him a moment ago pushed him out of the way and embraced Seth. Seth's friends gasped. 

   The pretty elf pulled back and eyed Seth with a Mischievous grin. "So you are the Older brother my father has told me so much about."

   Seth blinked several times before his brain actually began to process what had just been said.

   "Sis..ter? I... Have a sister!" Seth was dumbfounded but Strat who was next to him began to bust out laughing.

   "Dad you didn't tell me that my brother was this good looking." The girl said.

    "Elisha now is not the time, perhaps we should talk about this later, I sense we have a issue that brings your brother and his friends to our door." Seth's dad said clearly trying to change the topic. The Elders around the room seemed to be smiling as if they found this girls breach of decorum to be refreshing. Seth tried to pull himself together. He took a deep breath, and began to explain but he couldn't figure out how to address his dad.

   "S...Sir. I mean your majesty, i... mean..."

   "Just call me Stevos or Father. It wouldn't do for my own son to have to be so formal with me." Seth took a deep breath

   "F...Father," He managed. It felt weird coming from his mouth so he settled for using the other one.

   "Stevos, We came to find you because Katie, my mother, was captured by demons two day's passed." Seth said.

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