Chapter 10 Set off from the North Gate

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As Seth and the others were leaving the Council chambers Strat reached out his hand to stop Seth who paused.

   "What's up?" Seth asked. Strat thought about how he should put his questions into words.

   "I guess I was just wondering if you're okay." Strat watched as Seth almost scowled.

   "No, how could I be okay," Seth said in a controlled voice. Strat could tell that Seth was restraining himself quite a bit.

   "I do have a question for you though." Strat motioned for Seth to walk with him which he did.

   "Okay, what's the question?"

   "What happened to you during the battle? Where did you go?" Strat paused for a moment embarrassed. It was one thing to get caught up in the heat of battle, but i was another thing to not keep your cool and get blasted from the battlements. 

   "As embarrassing as it is to say this I spent to majority of the battle at the bottom of the wall dodging fire blasts. Dragons and me don't really get along and i'm afraid they haven't forgotten who I am.

   "And just who are you to them?" Seth asked. 

Strat shrugged not feeling like telling Seth yet another legend about him.

"Let me guess you are the bane of all dragons as well." Again Strat shrugged.

   "Something like that." Strat followed Seth as they exited the HQ and began the trek down to the city towards their respective houses. They were to depart immediately after all. 

   When they arrived at the intersection to split off. Strat grabbed Seth's shoulder and turned him towards him. Strat could see the worry in his eyes. Seth was very close to tears. Strat turned to Seth and looked at him in the eyes.

"Don't worry Seth, We'll find your mother." Seth pushed Strat away playfully.
   " I know we will," he said. "We have to or I don't know what I'll do."

After Strat had finished packing he stepped outside his home. He lived in a small gated manor that had six bedrooms, three bathrooms, a common room, a living room, a kitchen and a guest kitchen. And two dining rooms. Did he need a house so extravagant? Not one bit, in fact he was hardly ever home because it felt so empty. However it was the house of his station and after many agents telling him to accept it, even going so far as to try to move his stuff in the middle of the night, Strat had just given in to it. But as he exited his house wearing his usual brown cloak over chainmail armor he was greeted by Jack who was waiting by the front gate.
   Strat hardly even looked up he was used to Jack enough that he had known jack had been outside his house for almost thirty minutes.
   "So, you are tagging along too," Jack said in is normal smooth voice.
   "Yeah, and you," Strat replied. Jack brushed his long black hair out of his eyes and motioned with his head to a couple of bags sitting by the wall. Strat didn't fail to notice there was no sword on his hip though.
   " What about your weapon?" Strat asked
   " I'm not bringing it," Jack replied simply. " I'm trying to train my self to not rely on physical weapons and instead be ready with a light sword at a moments notice." Strat shrugged
  " Whatever you got to do, man. "
   " You know, you should cut that hair," Strat said and Jack finally cracked a smile. That was the side of jack that almost no one else ever got to see. They would always see the cautious, quiet, mysterious jack. But most people had no idea he actually had a great since of humor.
   "Yeah but at least I have hair," jack retorted.
   "I have hair, it's just not as long as you entire mane of hair!" Jack laughed as he began to walk towards the gate. Strat followed close behind.
   "We better get down to the stables so we can be ready to leave as soon as possible," Strat said. The walked for some time in silence as they both made their way towards the north bound gate.
   "You know Strat, if we are going to go visit Stevos shouldn't you tell Seth."
   Strat thought about what jack was saying after all it was a delicate matter.
   "No, it's better to wait and see if His Majesty wants to reveal it or not. If not I'll tell Seth anyway because he has the right to know."
   " Well that very contradictory of you," Jack said.
   " Yeah, well I've given Stevos the benefit of the doubt, so he better not let me down." Jack sighed.
   "That's not exactly what I meant, but we don't have time to worry about it now, I have to take this time to prepare for the journey." Strat nodded as they approached the northern gate. In the middle of the brick paved road that exited the north gate stood Seth and the others, most on horse back. As Strat approached Seth let go of a lead that lead to a beautiful white mare. She was packed for travel already with every necessity the might need. Blankets, fire starter, rope, stakes, even a couple of pots.
   "Well Seth it seems I get to thank you for saving me a trip to the stables." Strat told him as he swiftly mounted his horse. From behind Seth Strat saw Matt snicker.
   Seth said nothing as he turned away from Strat a deadly serious expression on his face.
   " We need to get going, we have a long way to go and we need to hurry, my mother is waiting." Jack mounted his horse as well and Strat caught the look he was throwing at Seth and Strat understood it.
   This wasn't like Seth at all. Normally he would've made some quip about how late Strat always was, but not today. There was no trace of Seth's usual joking Self. Behind Seth, Matt, Mike, Johnathan, Rylee, Travice, Michelle, Clovis, and Aria all sat quietly on their horses. Only Rylee and Clovis seemed unaffected by the mood Seth was putting out. That was probably due to them being focused staring at a map of the northern academy lands.
   " Alright, you're right we should be going we have a long way to travel before night falls again," Strat said in resignation. As he passed Travice the scout of the group turned stopped Strat with a hand.
   " Is Seth going to be okay?" He asked.
"This isn't like him." Strat gave him a reassuring smile.
   " He'll be fine. It will just take him some time." Travice nodded concern etched into his face.
   "I hope so.."
However, As they left the north gate, fires still burning across it, Strat had to admit he wasn't so sure.


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