Chapter 3 These Lively Days

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   The clean up effort from the previous nights attack had been long underway when Strat was finally able to get out of the emergency war council Samson had called. Strat hadn't deigned to inform Samson of Seth's dream so Samson had been a little agitated but soon calmed down after Strat explained his reasons. Because they had had no idea if Seth's dream had been a warning of just a dream they refrained from telling anyone to avoid worrying everyone for nothing. Counter measures were put into place to avoid surprise attacks like that again. But Strat knew it was still far from over. The attack last night was done for a reason. It wasn't a random attack like most of the council thought. Unless their enemy was a fool. ( Which Strat could assure them, he isn't.) Then an attack and then retreat could only mean the enemy was attempting to distract the Academies forces from their true objective.
    As to what that could be Strat had no idea. The obvious path would be to sneak a small team of elite demons inside the Academy under the cover of the attack. But after reviewing the defences, the were able to conclude that this was not the case. However that didn't leave them with many option. Another possibility is assassination but guards were already posted outside the houses of the commander's and even a few inside. (Which Strat found extremely annoying. No one had managed to assassinate him in two thousand years. Not for lack of trying. But Samson insisted, so what can you do.)
  As Strat was walking down the still rubble strewn street he caught a glimpse of Seth up ahead in the market square. Being the first place to be hit it had the most damage done to it. Strat watched as Seth utilised his abilities over water to put out remaining fires and to sweep away debris.
   At the same time Seth was restoring the building with his use of both nature and earth elements. Strat was really impressed with Seth's growth. Not six months before Seth could only use one element at a time. But now that he'd been working so diligently he was improving by leaps and bounds. Strat approached Seth as he was coordinating with some earthen agents who were part of the reconstruction team.
   "If we put a new line of houses there then that would buy us enough time to..." The agent paused as Strat approached. This was something that always managed to annoy Strat. Whenever he was around everyone seemed to be unable to work around him. It made him uncomfortable to think that he couldn't just be in an area for fear of nothing getting done.
   "Oh Lord Bannot, what a pleasant surprise," said the earthen agents while making a short bow. This agent looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties, with rough salt and pepper hair. He wore a weathered face whose scars foretold the many battles he'd no doubt been in.
   "So how's the reconstruction progressing?" Strat asked out of curiosity.
   "It going well, very well sir."
   " Good I love to hear it."
   " If you don't mind I'm going to borrow Lord Malcovitch for a moment."
   The agents nodded. " Of course Lord Bannot. But if you would excuse us we have more work to do." Strat said nothing as he watched the agents move away discussing rebuilding plans as they went.
    "So what did you need to speak to me about?" Seth asked eyeing Strat carefully.
   " Oh nothing much," Strat shrugged wanting nothing more than to be home in bed resting right about now.
   "I just wanted to inform you of the things discussed in the counsel since you couldn't be there."
   "Oh?" Seth's voice went serious.
   " Yeah Samson was a little irritated at first that we hadn't let him know about your dream. But when I explained why we had kept it a secret he seemed to calm down." Strat studied Seth curiously. It wasn't common for someone, even in the Academies to have prophetic dreams. So the fact that Seth had one was troubling to say the least. The only ones that were known to have prophetic dreams were the elves. But Seth had nothing to do with them so the fact that he had them was confusing.
   "Did they figure out how the barrier was by passed," Seth asked. At this question Strat knew his eyes had gone cold because he felt Seth shiver then start release a warm aura to defend against the waves of cold coming of Strat.
   " Yeah we figured it out and it seems pretty likely."
   "What does?" Seth asked his nervousness at what Strat was going to reveal was palpable.
   "Good you should be nervous," Strat thought. "Because what I'm going to tell you is very alarming."
   "Well what is it?" Seth asked again impatiently.
   Strat lowered his voice to a whisper and beckoned Seth to lean in. It was then Strat spoke the word he never thought he'd ever utter again. "We have a traitor here in the Academy!"

So did you like my third chapter? Sorry it took me so I long I hope to do better in the future. Please comment below on what you think. (By the way I just got married! I'm a husband now!!!!)

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