Chapter 22: Confrontation

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   It didn't take long for Strat and Jack to catch up with the rest of them But Seth still was curious what the two said to each other. Seth wasn't really worried about Strat dying but he was concerned. He had never met this Zach before but from what everyone was saying he seemed like a real piece of work. Still as the day progressed Seth and his friends moved forward in silence. The only time there was any sort of conversation was when they stopped for a rest before continuing on. The air became even colder and the winds picked up. Before Seth knew it instead of lush grass snow could be seen everywhere. The trees became fewer and the path they were on narrowed until at times Seth could no longer see it. However Oliver never seemed lost he would always lead them up the winding path without so much as a pause to check where he was going. To Seth it seemed like Oliver had taken this path many times before and knew every part by heart. If this was the case then it would make since why Strat would choose him to be their guide.

    As the air thinned the amount of breaks they had to take increased as their bodies tried to overcome the difference in air quality. But it only took them about two hours to reach the outskirts of the village where the portal. When they were about half a mile still from the village according to Oliver, Oliver held up his hand quickly. He turned his head to the side as if he was listening intently for something. Seth closed his eyes and tried to sense something through the earth. But he couldn't feel anything. Seth opened his eyes and looked towards Oliver wondering if the dwarf was hearing things. 

    Then he heard it to, the thumping sound of a steady wing beat. It was clear and repetitive, a smooth rhythm. Soon, it was followed by another set of flapping, then another, and another. 

    "Quick into the brush!" Strat exclaimed as they scrambled for cover.  Seth dove behind an outcropping of rocks just as an entire flock of dragons flew overhead. The wind from their wings shook the mountain as they flew over head. The dragon's were exactly as Seth remembered them. Midnight black scale and blood red spikes mad up their natural armor, but what really sent a chill down Seth's spine every time he saw one of these monstrosities was the blood red eyes. They seemed, so lifeless and murderous, like the only thing they cared for was how many they could kill. Seth crouched down trying to make himself smaller as he tried to estimate the number of dragons in the flock, but he lost count at forty two.

     It seemed like it took forever but eventually the shadow dragons disappeared from sight and Seth and his friends began to relax. 

    "Damn I hate those things," Travis said and there were a lot of chorusing agreements from the group. 

    "Well," Strat started. "We are close enough to the village that I can make my way from here i want all of you guys to follow Oliver and why i'm distracting Zach try to sneak through the portal." 

   No one tried arguing, mostly because they new it was pointless but also because they knew it had to be done. Seth stood and before Strat could protest Seth pulled him into a hug. Seth wasn't sure why he did it and he wasn't particularly emotional he just felt that if Strat didn't come back Seth would regret not saying goodbye in some form. Strat seemed shocked as he didn't react right away he simply stood there. Seth quickly let go, not trying to make Strat feel awkward and stepped back smiling.

   "You got this master Strat," Aria called.

   "You can do it," Matt said

   "Show him who's boss!" Mike shouted.

    "Come back Safe," Rylee said with a smile.

    "Don't die," Michelle said stiffly.

    " Teach him a lesson," John said in his deep voice.

The Heroes of the Elemental Academies  Book 2: Dragon's BreathWhere stories live. Discover now