Chapter 12: Rest

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That Day they spent burying the dead population of the farmstead. They decided to camp on the hill that was overlooking the valley. Nobody talked much especially Seth. The Little girl had help bury her brother but afterwards she sat down where her brother had died and wouldn't move. she just stared at the bloodstained ground unmoving. The only thing They could get out of her was her name, Rubia. As Seth stared at the little girl full of pain his own heart broke yet again. Seth went to go comfort her but felt Strat's hand on his shoulder.
   "Seth, we need someone to go get firewood and she could use time to herself," he said. Seth didn't reply he simy nodded and left.As Seth was gathering fire wood he heard voices in the brush near the farmstead. It piqued his interest only because as far as he knew he was the only one in the farmstead, everyone else had gone up to the hill camp. Seth crouched down as he tried to approach with out being heard. As he neared the voices stopped abruptly before he could hear what was being said. Seth stood up ready to rush in but he ran right into Travice and Aria who were coming out of the brush.

"Seth, what are you doing down here," Aria asked quickly straightening up.

"Looking for firewood," Seth replied. "The question is why are you here?" Aria looked down and then glanced at Travice. "Do we tell him," She asked. Travice threw her a angered look.

"Well we don't have a choice now, Do we?" He replied clearly annoyed. Seth furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion. He quickly flashed back to Strat telling him that there were traitors within the academy. Seth subtly dropped into a defensive stance ready for anything. After all Strat had specifically said not to trust anyone.
"With how you've been lately we weren't going to tell you right away, but it seems we have no choice," Travice said.
"Tell me what?" Seth asked his suspicion rising.
Travice sighed.
"The band of demons that attacked this village wasn't random," he said solemnly as he did he pulled out a sheathed silver katana. Seth knew it was his mother's instantly. The weapon along with his was one of a kind. It was about two feet of curved conoroid the strongest metal known to them. It was trimmed in white-gold around the hilt and pummel and the guard was fashioned with a gold dragon encircling the blade forever cursed to try and consume itself. The handle itself was wrapped in literal dragon leather which was extremely rare considering dragons were considered extinct a fact that Seth had only recently learned. Seth ran his hands over the graceful weapon. he took the blade from Travice and turned it over in his hands admiring the words etched in the sheath.

"We don't know what those words say since we can't read them..." Travice said.

"By the grace of God we rise," Seth said almost as and afterthought.

"Huh?" Aria asked confused.

"It's what it says on here," Seth added for context. Travice frowned then his face cleared

"Oh you mean your mother told you what it says." Seth shook his head.

"No I can read it why can't you its just English." the confusion was evident in their faces.

Travice turned the blade's sheath and took a closer look at it, his confusion obviously only deepening. "No i can read English but this..." He said pointing at the words that looked like clear English to Seth.

"This is Elvish," He finished. Now it was Seth's turn to be confused.

"What are you talking about ," Seth said. Travice shook his head.
"it doesn't matter we need to get back to camp because tomorrow we will be crossing into the Elvish lands and we need to be ready for that.

As they were walking back to camp Seth leaned over and whispered to Aria.

"What's so different about the Elvish lands compared to our own. Aria smiled at him.

"That's right sometimes i forget you aren't from our world," she said. Seth felt his face flush at that. but she quickly threw her hands up waving frantically.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about after all the fact that you have had the outside influences is one of the things that makes you so powerful, but naturally in return there are things about our world you wouldn't know. Anyway let me explain it to you. The Elven lands to put it simply are in a state of chaos. Unlike in the Academy lands, demons pretty much run rampant in the other lands. Especially in the Elven lands. Seth took a moment to let this sink in.
"Wait weren't the Elves the Protectors of Elementia before the Lightforce?" Aria nodded
"Yeah they were, but then they were replaced by the Lightforce Academy about 2,000 years ago."
"Okay but still if they were once the protectors of Elementia how could they let demons run rampant in their territory. Do they not care?" Aria shook her head.
"It's not that, there is just not enough of them and their abilities are too limited." Seth cast a confused glance at Aria.
"What do you mean there is not enough of them?" Aria blushed.
"The birth rate of elves is extremely low. They only have a max of two children their entire lives. And that's if they are lucky."
"Oh," Seth replied turning away.
They arrived back at camp, just as John returned to camp with an armful of wood he stopped as Seth and his group entered camp. Seth watched as John eyed them suspiciously. Seth ignored him and went into the camp to a slight cliff that overlooked the valley. Up on it Strat sat alone. Ever since the boy's death Strat had sat up here. he hadn't talked to anyone not even jack. Seth walked up behind him careful not to disturb him. Seth sat down next to Strat and crossed his legs. He put his mother's sword across his legs and turned to look at Strat. His eyes were closed as if he was focusing on something. Seth realised that he was praying. His lips moved silently, uttering a prayer Seth could not hear. Seth waited patiently for Strat to finish. It didn't take long, Strat opened his eyes and glanced at seth from the corner of his eye. He nodded once acknowledging that Seth was there, but continued looking straight forward, the boy's death was definitely bothering him. Not that seth could blame him. Strat took any death he couldn't prevent as a personal strike against him. It was a part of him being the protector, a role he took seriously.
"So," Seth began.
" It was the group of demons who captured your mom wasn't it?" Strat finished. Seth stared at him dumbfounded.

"How did you?"

"Because," Strat interrupted as he stood up and began brushing of his armor. "It is their only tactical option when it comes to getting us off their trail. They know us well, we wouldn't just ignore something like this." Seth stood as well holding out his mother's katana for Strat to take, however Strat raised his hand to stop him. "Keep it with you. Me and you both know she would want you to keep a hold of it." Seth nodded and slipped the sword into his belt on the opposite hip that Sonfang was on.

"Thanks,"Seth muttered. Strat shook his head

"No need to thank me man, let's just make sure we get to hand it back to her personally." Seth nodded. Strat turned back towards camp to leave but before he did he laid a hand on Seth's shoulder. "go and get some rest. Starting tomorrow we are going to be seeing plenty of action so you will need your rest. From what i hear until we reach the Elven Capitol of Sai Shania, we will be under constant attack by demons so prepare. Also i will be assigning you to take care of that little girl keep her safe." With that Strat turned and walked back towards camp. But Seth Stayed out by the cliff for awhile longer staring out at the world as the sun showed it's last rays. As he marveled at the world he couldn't help but wonder if he would be able to hand his mother her sword again.

The Heroes of the Elemental Academies  Book 2: Dragon's BreathWhere stories live. Discover now