Chapter 4 : Recovery

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"Traitors!" Seth exclaimed. "How do you mean?" Seth saw Strat sigh.
   "I mean exactly what I said. I mean people who reject what God's done for them and would instead rather side with the devil." Seth could feel a unsettling tightness in his chest. It was a feeling of uncertainty at the idea of these people that Seth would never understand.
   "I know you didn't even know that it was possible for the Lightforce to have any Traitors but in truth we are human just like anyone else.
   Seth followed Strat a few more paces as they continued to walk.
   " So how's the repairs coming.?" Strat asked. Seth didn't even hear him. He was so focused on the thoughts running through his head that he didn't even acknowledge that Strat had spoken. He was more worried about who he could trust. Because he didn't want to inadvertently screw over the Academies based on something he said while thinking he was among friends.
  "I wouldn't do that," Strat said. "Do what?" Seth asked.
   Suspect people," Strat replied. Strat put his hand on Seths shoulder.
  "Come on let's go to that tavern over on griffin Avenue. That one you always like to go to."
   "You mean the Dragon's Fire Sports Bar and Grill."
  "Yeah, was there another tavern you frequented? Besides there is something that i observed in last nights' battle that i want to talk to you about."
   Oh no, Seth thought. What did i do this time. Every time seth would fight or train in the past year, Strat had observed him. Watching his moves closely and later telling him what he could've done better. But Strat turned and began to walk down the rubble strewn streets, as Seth followed, he couldnt help but wonder what Strat wanted to show him this time.

As they entered the bar, the first thing they noticed was that the bar had sustained only minor damage. Part of the roof and been damaged but nothing more than that.
   The inside was surprisingly empty but the bar keeper, A portly man in his fifties who once served as an agent, greeted them with a cheerful tone in his voice.
   "Master Malcovitch welcome back!" He said. "I assume you're eating in?"
  Seth smiled as the tense air their previous conversation had brought was instantly dissolved by the cheerful barkeeper.
   " Yes, David we are eating in tonight. I would like the usual if I could." David's smile broadened
   "Off course, and what will your companion like?"
   Strat stepped forward. "Wow demoted to only the companion of the great Seth."
   It was as if the atmosphere changed to an electric one
    "LLL... Lord Defender!!!" The man looked as if he had just had all the air knocked out of him. "It... It's an honor to have you in our establishment sir!!" Seth cast a glance over at Strat
   "You always cause a scene no matter where you go don't you?" Strat just shrugged. Seth led the way to the two person table in the corner where he always sat. The bartender came over with a plate of cooked beef. The smell of the beef made Seth's mouth water. As the plate was set before Strat he began to eat.
   The same plate was set before Seth and after a quick prayer he too dug into his food.
   "So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" Seth asked Strat between juicy bites of meat. Fat dripped from his mouth as he completed his question.
   Strat wiped his mouth before replying.
   "I want to train you again Seth," he said bluntly. It took a moment to realize what strat was saying. When he did confusion spread over Seth.
    "Can I ask why."
Strat sighed," look, I've been observing you the past few months." Seth whistled.
    "You know you are probably the first stalker to ever admit he has a problem."
   "Not like that, idiot. I mean i was observing how you fight. And i want to continue training you."
   "Okay," Seth said. "I dont see a problem with a little extra training especially coming from you Strat."
   Strat blinked twice.
    "What?!" Seth asked. Seth took a large swig of his ice water before continueing. "Did you really expect me to refuse? I more tgan anyone am aware of just how much i still need to learn about my abilities and who better to teach me than you. Seth almost found it funny, that strat had expected him to refuse and be cocky. However that realky just wasn't who Seth was.
  "So, when were you thinking of beginning this training of yours?"
Strat seemed to ponder this for a moment.
   "Let's see, we have a war meeting after this and we have to prepare for the upcoming battle. So, how about this afternoon at the Colosseum. Meet me at 6:00 out in front of the western entrance." Seth nodded,
   "I can do that, can you give me an idea of what ill be learning." Strat's smile when Seth said that sent shivers down his spine and made him shake in spite of himself.
   "You'll just have to come in find out," Strat said before shoveling another bite in.

The Heroes of the Elemental Academies  Book 2: Dragon's BreathWhere stories live. Discover now