Chapter 15: Elven Capitol

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    Seth was at a complete loss for words. 

   "Um Strat who is Prince Sethias?" Seth asked cautiously. A collective gasp went up from those in the group. Strat who had one hand covering his face looked over at Seth clearly getting ready to tell him something. But before he could it all clicked with Seth. The reason his mom always said that his dad couldn't come home. Some of his earliest memories of a sharp eared man standing beside his bed, in a room made of wood.

   "Great, the King is my dad, isn't he?" Seth said almost not even surprised by the fact. After the last year of discovering his mother was some kind of bad ass secret agent for God and then fighting an army, and discovering demons and such one tends to stop being surprised even if he just found out that his father was the King of the Elves. Strat didn't say anything to that he just nodded. He looked like he wanted to explain but Seth just shrugged it off.

   " I know there was a reason you were going to tell me ex cetera ex cetera. I get it, but what i would really like to know is why my mom didn't say anything." Strat reached up and scratched his head

  "She was afraid that it would be too much of a shock for you." 

   "Too much for me really!?" Seth asked. " In the last year of my life alone I a. found out demons exist, b. was brought to a whole other world, and c. fought off and army of demons. What is her definition of too much. Strat nodded.

   "That's fair but..."

   "Guy's look," Rylee said. "It's great and all that you guys would like to have this conversation but can we please do it later, we have two injured friends who need treating."

   The elven leader reached up and removed his golden helm. Shoulder length blond hair fell out. He had and angular brow but his skin looked incredibly smooth, with out any wrinkles of age, his eyes were a pale green.

   "The lady is right we need to get your friends back to the capitol first. This way, My Prince he said prompting Seth to follow the path in front of him.

   The capitol was surprising in a lot of ways but in many ways Seth knew what to expect. The buildings were all built into the trunks of the Great oaks each one was a wide a a modern suburban home. If Seth had to guess he'd say they were about 2,000 square feet. Elves Roamed the roads, which were made of simple gravel. The canopy of trees made it so that great shasfts of light pierced the tree illuminating the city below. In the shadowy places little balls of light danced around in the air giving those living there light. Seth watched as his Friends Aria and Michelle were rushed into a clinic just inside the city. He was worried for them, but he knew they had been through far worse. They'd pull through. Just as he was deep in thought from behind a building came two kids probably around five or six years old, they were riding of what looked like a deer except it had six legs instead of two and was roughly the size of a horse. The creature glowed with a golden light, it's fur a silvery color. "What?" Seth began, in awe.

   "While agent have the ability to create and manipulate matter with their light abilities, We Elves can create Living creatures with ours." Lord Tylis explained clearly amused with Seth's awe.

   "Really!" Seth exclaimed. "That's amazing." 

   "It is, but there are limitations. For example We can't create anything too big unless we have the energy for it and if we are killed, all our creations die with us. Which is one of the reasons we value life above everything except The Lord." Seth nodded his understanding. As he noticed Strat had exited the clinic.

   "The Doctors say they will be just fine but they need to rest for a few days so it looks like we will be here for a little bit. I hope that doesn't inconvenience you Lord Tylis?" Tylis shook his head. " Not at all i'll have your lodging arranged in the mean time I would like all of you to accompany me to go see the King I know he would very much like to meet his Son and I also assume there is another reason you all are here. You could talk to him directly about it. We'll leave the horses here. don't worry they'll be well looked after." Seth looked back at the group, Everyone seemed to be staring at him to make a decision.

   "Why are you all looking at me!? Seth asked.

    "Well they are your people," Clovis said his usual shy behavior gone in the excitement of visiting the Elven Capitol.

   "And you are the prince," Matt said a tone of laughter hanging in his voice.

   "Right, and we are going to meet your father, Jack said." 

   "No you are all just lazy and don't want to have to think to much right!" Seth fumed.

   "Right you are again," Travis said smiling. "My you are really good at this. My Prince." The sarcasm was so thick Seth could almost cut it with a knife.

   "You guys are really not going to let this whole Prince thing go are you?" Seth said sighing.

   "Dang he's good," Rylee said, and Seth heard Strat snicker. 

   "Really guys we're supposed to all be grown ups here some of you more so than others," Seth said throwing a look at Strat and Rylee. Rylee shrugged her shoulders

   "Being serious all the time is tiring, besides that's what we have Jack for am I right." Then all at once the tension the entire group had been feeling up until that point was dispersed as they all began to laugh. Seth saw Tylis shake his head with a confused look on his face.

   "Human's," He said exasperated. Seth turned to him trying to suppress his laughter.

   "Sorry, Lord Tylis please, Lead the way." 

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