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Monday morning. Renée and Pete had been living together for about a week and it had been going ok. She was laying on the couch with her phone on the kitchen counter when it went off. It was a Tinder notification and Pete was closest.

"It's a match. His name is Ben."

"Ugh okay. Can you bring it to me? I'm pretty cozy right now."

She was watching The Office. Pete purposely dropped her phone on her stomach when she wasn't looking just to get a reaction.

"I would be beating you senseless if I wasn't so comfortable."

She looked at Ben's profile and decided to give it a shot. He messaged her first and they were messaging for a while.

"Are you gonna get off of your phone and talk to me?" Pete asked.

"You were saying something?"


"Shit, my bad."

She put her phone down and turned to Pete.

"Should I get your dad a gift for tomorrow?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it. I already got something and you can put your name on it if you want. I need to get a card but that's pretty much it."

"Are you talking about that package that arrived a few days ago?"

"Yeah. Let me go get it."

Renée went upstairs to get her dad's gift. They weren't big gift people, but it was a special occasion and her dad was a good man who deserved the gift. She went back downstairs with it and once Pete saw it, he had to ask how much she spent on it.

"About 20k. Listen, he loves The Beatles and this is one hundred percent authentic. I had to get it. I saved up for it and it was an episode's pay and then some. It's worth it, okay? I didn't throw my money at some random dude on the internet looking for a quick buck."

"Okay, I get it. You can relax."

They got the gift put together nicely before Renée made a trip to the card store.

She also decided to pick up an Apple gift card as a little surprise gift. Since the gifts were pretty small, she got a small bag that was decorated in music notes and piano keys.

Pete texted her that he ordered a pizza so she didn't have to worry about dinner for the night.

"It smells good in here!" She said, as she walked up the stairs to her condo. The gift bag and card were left by the door and she grabbed a plate for her slices of pizza.

"Do you want to watch Riverdale? I'm like halfway through season two but I can go back to season one if you want," Renée offered. Pete jumped over the back of the couch to sit next to her as they ate.

"The hell is Riverdale?"

"You are in for a treat."

She explained what was happening in the show up until the episode that she wanted to show him, which was the penultimate episode of season one. As the episode ended, Renée took a moment to look at Pete.

"I mean, it's a dope concept but that whole cousin thing is pretty fucked up."

"They're third cousins. Technically not even related. But yeah, it's pretty fucked up. Season two gets wild and I've heard weird things about season three."

They finished season one before heading upstairs to get ready for bed. It was a well-known fact that Pete didn't sleep much. Luckily for him, Renée was a deep sleeper. She could probably sleep through the zombie apocalypse. It was kind of amazing. Pete stayed up far later than she did, mostly texting Colson and his family. He was asleep by the time Renée woke up, which didn't really come as a surprise to her.

A Winter's Ball - Pete DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now