twenty two

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TW: This chapter involves losing family members because of COVID-19. Not everyone is as lucky to be able to say that they haven't lost someone to COVID and I know that this can be a sensitive topic, so read it at your own choice. This one is pretty long.

July 4th, 2020

Renée really wanted to spend time with her family, and because of COVID, that was risky. It was a decision that had to be thought out. With that being said, Pete got Renée, Marc, and her parents to completely quarantine themselves for 14 days before seeing their parents. It was the safest option, because they knew that there was no way that they could have had COVID from each other. Plus she really wanted to watch Hamilton on Disney+ with her family. 

They did get to watch Hamilton together, and everyone enjoyed it. Even Pete. He had heard the songs when Renée was driving, because that was one of her driving quirks. Pete even took the time to build some fluency in French, because he wanted to impress her family. Before they left her childhood home for an indefinite amount of time, he asked her parents and brother a question that she didn't know about.

July 8, 2020

The couple was laying on the couch, watching the new season of Queer Eye when Pete got up. Renée scrolled through her phone while he was gone - wherever he went - and grabbed one of the blankets for extra warmth. The AC was on high power, and Pete's apartment felt like a walk-in freezer in the words of his mom. 

"Hey, babe? Can you come over here for a minute? I need help with something." 

Renée sighed and got up. Pete was looking for a specific pan in the kitchen, and the noise that he was making was obnoxious. 

"Here. Have a blast."

She laid back down on the couch and smiled as she heard the familiar crack of an egg and sizzle of bacon. He wanted to cook her breakfast for lunch, and she didn't want to question it because she loved food way too much. 

Pete put the freshly made food on a plate and took it over to her before making his own plate. 

"These eggs are really good. I'm impressed."

Pete chuckled. "Thanks."

When she was done eating and after she put her plate on the coffee table, and snuggled up against Pete.

"Actually, I have something to tell you. Renée, when we started dating, I was in love with you from day one. I would not be alive today if it wasn't for you. And I'm really trying not to just laugh because I'm nervous and I'm sober as hell. When quarantine started, I fell more in love with you because all we did was lay on the couch and watch all of Netflix. I feel like we've been closer than ever so now, I just have one thing to ask."

"Okay, but please, Pete, do not ask me to move out because this relationship is far from over and I will throw you off of the Empire State Building if you decide to say some dumb shit like that."

"Renée, veux-tu m'épouser?"

Pete's heart was thumping in his chest as he waited for an answer. The reason that the wait felt so long was because Renée had rarely heard that question in French and had to think about the translation for what he was saying.

"Oh! Yes, Pete. Yes, I'll marry you!"

He got up and slipped the ring on her finger before wiping her tears. She decided not to post it to Instagram, but they sent the picture of the ring to all of their friends and family. They were so caught up in the moment that they forgot to tell John, so he found out through Renée's Instagram days later.

A Winter's Ball - Pete DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now