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It was Halloween. Renée and Pete had the whole house to themselves, because Casey and Amy were out with their friends. Colson was probably taking Cassie trick-or-treating, and Renée didn't really want to bother Marc.

Colin was hanging out with Scarlett and John didn't drink, so they couldn't go clubbing together. Renée really wanted to put on something nice, even if the couple wasn't going anywhere. She put on a black dress and did her makeup while Pete went into another room to make last minute reservations. 

"We're going out to eat and staying at a hotel. I just booked reservations." He said.

"Let me straighten my hair and pack a bag."

It didn't take long for her to pack an overnight bag because she was pretty excited. Pete told Amy that they would be leaving for the night before they left. The restaurant that they got to was ridiculously nice. It was pretty empty, but that was because it was Halloween and people were partying. Pete had to show the hostess his driver's license before they could be seated. As Renée looked at the menu, she realized that she had to order a salad. The food was really expensive, and the cheapest things on the menu were salad and water. 

"I'm ordering a salad." Renée whispered to Pete. The restaurant was practically empty except for a few waiters and waitresses and chefs, but she didn't want to speak too loud.

"Babe, it's fine. I'm paying for this. You really don't have to order a salad to keep me from getting a dent in my bank account. Besides, I like spending money on you."

She ordered a steak. The food portions at fancy restaurants were annoyingly small, so they ended up ordering a lot of food. Pete ordered a bottle of wine to take back to the hotel because they were both tired from the amount of food that they ate. The receptionist at the hotel gave them the keys to the room that they were staying in.

Renée was the first to the room because she really had to go to the bathroom, so she didn't even bother turning on the light to the main part of the room on her way to the connected bathroom. Pete was trying to find a scary movie for them to watch when she was walking out of the bathroom. He snapped a picture of her while she was sitting in the arm chair with the bottle of wine in her lap. 

"Hey, this movie looks pretty scary." He said. She looked up from her phone to see that he picked out a movie called Terrifier. It was a clown movie, so Renée knew that it would scare her at least a little bit.

She poured the wine into some glasses that she got from a cabinet in the kitchenette. They were drinking while the movie was playing.

"Well, this is nightmare fuel and I think red wine is ruined for me." She said.

"Yeah, this movie is freaking me out. Wait, did she just call him, 'Mister'? Why can't she just say, 'Sir,' like a normal person? Wait is this weird guy who looks like Hannibal Lecter about to lead her to her death?"

Renée laughed at his comments while they continued to watch the movie. By the time the credits started rolling, she was almost ready to put her pajamas on.

"That movie sucked. It's so bad that it's almost laughable because of the clown but I'm pretty sure I'm gonna have a nightmare. Drinking wine during it was a horrible idea. I think I need therapy now."

They decided to turn on The Office to relax. She grabbed pajamas from her bag and went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush her teeth. She was putting her hair in a messy bun when Pete walked in to take his shower.

"You look really cute in my shirt." He said.

"Oh, thanks. I try."

"I love you."

They kissed before Renée put her hands on his chest.

"I love you, too. Now, go take a shower."

Renée sat on the bed and scrolled through social media as she waited for Pete to come back. She didn't really like to spend too much time on social media because of everything that had happened, so she kept it to a few minutes before checking her text messages. She put her phone down when she felt a dip in the bed and turned the main light to the hotel room off. 

They were laying down and Pete had his arms wrapped around her. The TV was still on, but it didn't seem to bother either of them.

"I'm talking about that movie at work tomorrow. It was so crazy that you can't not talk about it, you know?" Renée said.

"Yeah, I get it. What was the Rotten Tomatoes score on it?" She picked up her phone to look it up.

"I guess it's 60% good. For reference, It Chapter Two has a 63%. So it's like 3% worse. That surprises me cause that Terrifier movie wasn't great. I don't know if you noticed it but like when the car radio scenes happened, the audio didn't sound like a car radio. The mic guy did a horrible job."

"Well, what's the percent or whatever on Final Destination?"

"I guess it's like 35%. So it sucks apparently."

The couple fell asleep in each other's arms. Renée's alarm was the first one to go off in the morning, and she started to get ready for work. Pete woke up while she was trying to quietly get dressed and he ordered breakfast to the room. They ate while watching the news, which wasn't  very common occurance. Renée hated the news because it was usually sad and scary, Pete hated the news because it was boring.

She put her overnight bag in the trunk of Pete's car before sitting in the front. Pete was still in the lobby taking care of the check-out process for the room, so he gave her his car keys so that she could start the car and stay warm. Renée took her moment of "alone time" as a chance to post the picture that Pete took of her. 

ambroserenee Happy Halloween! Don't get it twisted, moments after this was taken, I took my makeup off so that I could rub my eyes into another dimension

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ambroserenee Happy Halloween! Don't get it twisted, moments after this was taken, I took my makeup off so that I could rub my eyes into another dimension. And then we saw a movie that was scary as shit. Do not recommend.

liked by marcambrose, cecilystrong, johnmulaney, and 4,832,751 others

user1 The fact that we still don't know who her boyfriend is-

colinjost What was this movie called cause I want to watch it
-> ambroserenee But you don't though...

A/N: Terrifier is a real movie and I know because I've seen it before. Look it up if you want but prepare to be like, "What the fuck," because that's how I was when I saw it. Also 3k reads? That's wild. I would've updated yesterday but I don't like to update until the following chapter is already written.

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