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The plane landed in Los Angeles and the first thing that Renée did when she got to a spot with good service was text Pete that she was okay. They both had a little bit of travel anxiety, but Pete's was worse than hers. Even though they had been dating for only about four months, it was safe to say that they were essentially attached at the hip for better or for worse. Well, unless they were going out in public. In that case, they would go to places separately or in groups to make it seem like they weren't dating.

Marc checked them into their hotel rooms when they got to the hotel and the first thing that Renée did when she walked into her hotel room was FaceTime Pete.

"Hey, how was your flight?" He asked.

"It was good. I watched a bunch of movies and I took a nap. It was great."

"Oh, what movies did you watch?"

"It but the new one. Don't tell anyone but I'm pretty sure I fell asleep during it." Renée said with a laugh.

"Sick. How did you do with the turbulence?"

"I was fine. Hey, I'm thinking of getting a tattoo while I'm here. What should I get?"

"I don't know. Get something small and like inside of your finger or something. You know, a place where it's hard to see. It might hurt like a bitch though so like smoke a joint or something before you do it."

Renée chuckled and continued to talk to Pete until Marc texted her that he was going out for dinner and she was invited. Their conversation lasted a few hours.

"I gotta go. I love you, bye." She said.

"Love you, too. Bye."

Pete hung up and she changed into different clothes that were nicer. Anything was nicer than a grey shirt and black sweatpants if she was going out. Renée told Marc about her wanting to get a tattoo and to her surprise, he was all for it. Before she knew it, they were walking into a tattoo parlour that was dimly let by neon lights and a few lamps by the client chairs. 

"This place had good ratings on Yelp and they take walk-ins." Marc said.

It took a few minutes for Renée to fill out the paperwork and show her ID to prove that she was over 18. One of the artists told her to explain what she wanted, so she showed them a picture of it. She was texting Pete when she was waiting for the artist to come back to her and show the sketch. 

The tattoo only took a few minutes because it was small and it wasn't shaded, but Pete was right when he said that the first tattoo hurts the most. Especially if it's on thin skin like a finger or ankle. She took a picture of it and sent it to Pete and he seemed pretty happy.

damn that looks dope!

makes me kinda wish i
had one

Not until you marry
me lol

Renée was joking about the wedding part, but Pete was smiling uncontrollably. He would've gotten the tattoo anyways, but if Renée wanted him to wait, he would wait.

"You are so whipped. When does she come back from LA?" Colson asked.

"I don't know. Like next week probably."

"Let me guess. You can't wait to see her even though you just saw her last night because you want to-,"

"Yep, you got it right. Don't even need to finish the sentence."

A Winter's Ball - Pete DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now