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"You ready to go?" Pete asked Renée. They were getting ready for the SNL holiday party, which would be the last cast gathering of 2019. Renée nodded her head and put her shoes on before getting her phone. 

They both wanted to drink, so Pete ordered an Uber. The ride there was quiet, but that was because neither of them liked to talk to their Uber drivers. Pete gave the Uber a generous tip when they got to 30 Rock, and Renée wished him a happy holidays. When they walked in, the party was in full swing. People were drinking and there were Christmas decorations as far as the eye could see. 

Renée put their gifts under the large tree for the White Elephant gift exchange and decided to talk to Cecily.

"You going to see your family like you always do this Christmas?" Cecily asked.

"Yeah. I even talked Pete into joining us. I was completely expecting him to like say no, but he seems happy that we're spending the night at my parent's. I had to make a last minute order to get him the matching pajamas, but it wasn't that much of an inconvenience."

She felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see that Pete had brought her a glass of wine.

"I heard the bartender say something about the bottle being expensive so that means it's good, right?" He asked. Renée let out a chuckle before starting to drink. The couple mingled and spoke to their friends. Renée got some snacks from the large table at the back of the room when she saw Pete talking to Scarlett. It was a weird occurance, because Renée didn't think that they knew each other. It made sense, because her brother is friends with her, and Pete is close with Colin.

"How was filming for your movie? Renée said that she had a good time watching it happen." Scarlett said.

"Oh, it was great. I just know it's gonna get good feedback, y'know?"

"I'll be pissed if the critics don't like it. I cried when you guys filmed it." Renée said, as she joined the conversation. They continued to chat and drink before the White Elephant gift exchange started.

By the end of it, Renée got a Chipotle gift card and Pete got a Stephen King book. Someone said something about Christmas karaoke, and Renée immediately decided that she was going to do it.

"You're so drunk. This is gonna get interesting." Pete said. 

She walked over to where the karaoke machine was and everyone turned to watch her. Pete got out his phone and started taking a video of her drunkenly singing All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey. It was the funniest thing that he had seen the entire night. Renée couldn't stop laughing by the time they got to the apartment, and she couldn't say what it was that made her laugh. It could've been that she slipped on a patch of ice, or it could've been the headless snowman that they saw on the way home. The only reason that she found it funny was because it wasn't easy to explain a headless snowman.

The headache that she had the following morning was worse than she expected it to be. It was Christmas Eve, so they had to go to her parents' house, and she had to figure out how to function with a killer headache.

"Why didn't you stop me from drinking that much last night? Better question: what did I even do last night because I can't remember anything." She whispered to Pete.

"I wanted you to have a good time. You got really drunk and sang Christmas songs. It was great," he said, as he pulled up the video on his phone.

"Oh God, please don't show me that. I don't want to know how much I embarrassed myself."

It took Renée a few hours to feel more normal before they left to go to her parents' house. When they got there, everyone was about to eat dinner. Renée took their bags up to her room and took her shoes off. 

"You will never believe what we found when we went to Target earlier." Marc said as she walked down the stairs.

"What was it?" Pete asked.

"We found an SNL game. You need like three or more people to play it and it took forever to set up, but it looks fun."

"Let me see this." Renée said. Marc got the game out and Renée read the directions before putting it back.

"Yeah, I don't want to play that. We always play Cards Against Humanity but let's play Cards Against Humanity after dinner."

They sat down to eat and had good conversations. Renée's parents were excited that Pete was able to celebrate Christmas with them for the first time. After dinner, they turned on some random Christmas movie that Renée found. It was a Hallmark movie, so no one really had to pay attention to it to know what was going on. In her opinion, all Hallmary movies had the same ending. The couple finally gets together or one of them dies, it snows, and there's a dog. There's always a dog. 

When they woke up the next morning to open their gifts, Renée was the first person downstairs so she started making breakfast. She decided to listen to the Pentatonix Christmas albums at a low level while cooking, and Pete walked in shortly after that. Everyone was up and out of their rooms by the time she was done cooking the bacon and everyone ate before sitting by the tree to open their gifts.

Pete knew that he was going to propose to Renée. He realized how much he truly loved her when they were at Colson's house, watching Christmas movies. Renée made everyone watch the live action Grinch, but he didn't mind it even though it freaked him out. They decided to play a family friendly version of truth or dare, and it was Renée's turn to dare Colson to do something. She went to the kitchen to look for hot sauce when she stumbled upon a few Taco Bell sauce packets.

"Okay, Colson. You've done that Hot Ones thing like twice. So I dare you to eat this entire packet of Taco Bell sauce in one go." She said. She tossed him the packet of the Diablo sauce and everyone watched as Colson ate it. He started coughing from how hot the sauce was and Renée laughed.

"I felt like I was gonna die for a second." He said.

Everyone had a good time before Pete and Renée had to head home. While she was taking a shower, Pete texted Marc. Texting Marc the question that he was going to ask might not have been the greatest idea, but he didn't want to risk Renée hearing overhearing him.


yo can i proposeto renée


Sorry I started choking
on my water

Why aren't you asking our


i don't want them to yell at me

You're an idiot. My answer is
yes but you should ask them

I know it's a stupid tradition
but my dad would be PISSED
if you proposed without asking
him at the very least. I don't think
he would say no if it makes you
feel better.

Pete...ok thanks?

A/N: About to go on a positive tangent here. 

Okay, so, this fanfic has over 5k reads. That's INSANE. I started writing this around Christmas in 2020 because I was bored and I wanted to share my love of Pete with the world. I seriously did not expect it to grow so fast. All of you are amazing. I don't know who's reading, but whoever you are, thank you. This fanfic is about to head into 2020 and even though 2020 was a dumpster fire, I have a ton of ideas. So buckle up, ladies, gents, and non-binary folks.

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