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It was Renée's birthday, but she wanted to finish moving out of her condo before she really had to be kicked out. So Pete decided that he would help her move, and it also helped him surprise her. They were going in and out, so her door was unlocked, because at least one of them would be in the space at a time. 

Renée had literally no idea that Pete had any surprise planned, so she just went about her day as normal. When she had to go to the office supply store for more boxes (she had a lot more stuff than she thought she did), Pete put his plan in full swing. He texted the group of people and told them to order their Ubers and get to her condo as soon as they could, because he couldn't tell if she was trying to be efficient or if she would go into Target and buy stuff she didn't need.

It took about 15 minutes for everyone to get there, and Renée was pretty oblivious to the whole thing. She grabbed the boxes from her car before starting to walk into the condo that was being emptied. Pete walked out with a small box and told her to wait for him before she went inside.

"There she is. Okay, everyone shut up and hide." Lin-Manuel said as he looked through the window. Everyone dispersed, some people hiding in the kitchen and some hiding throughout the first floor.

"JVN, I love you, but you're not hiding. You are literally crouching behind the railing." Tan said.

"Shut up. She's about to come in!" Anthony harshly whispered. People were trying not to laugh as they heard the door open.

Renée didn't notice that Pete was filming her as she was walking up the stairs because she was scrolling through Instagram. She jumped when she heard people yell, "Surprise," and she shrieked when she looked up to see part of the Hamilton cast and the Fab 5. Everyone laughed and it made her laugh, too.

"How did you pull this off?" She asked Pete.

"Don't worry about it."

Everyone started helping her pack and things were going smoothly until she realized that they had to figure out how to get her furniture out of the condo. It looked like Antoni was thinking the same thing because he looked at the couch and sighed. The smaller furniture items like her coffee table and night stands weren't what worried her, it was the bigger things like the couch and bed frames that she wouldn't need. 

"Okay, we're gonna take the cushions and pillows off of the couch and take the couch pieces out first. We'll take the cushions out when we're done, and we'll do the same thing for the beds and the entertainment stand. Renée, do you want to keep that low coffee table and the futon or can we get rid of those?" Bobby said.

"Um, you can put them out, too. Yeah, let's get the ball rolling."

Daveed started taking the cushions off of her couch and Tan was working with Anthony and Jasmine to get things packed upstairs. The living room couch was emptied and since it was a sectional, the pieces were pushed apart slightly.

"Okay, team work makes the dream work! Karamo, help me with the other end of this piece of couch. I'll go down the stairs first but I need you to move slowly behind me. Do not start to pick up your pace and crush me with half of a couch. I will not go down like that. Pete, babe, open the door so we can get out." Renée said. Pete laughed at what she said and opened the door before waiting outside. It took a while for them to get half of the couch out of the condo and it was kind of funny for everyone else to watch.

When she got back inside, she froze. Pete put her Spotify on shuffle, and that was when it really hit her how many Hamilton songs were in her library. She liked most of the songs, except for the reprise of Stay Alive and Best of Wives and Women. Plus the odds of a Hamilton song playing were low if her Spotify was on shuffle. She was upstairs when she heard the beginning of Right Hand Man and the only thing stopping her from bolting downstairs was Renée Elise Goldsberry told her that it was fine, even though she was pretty embarrassed.

"Renée, you know there are like 20 minutes of songs that got cut from the broadway version, right?" Lin-Manuel asked.

"Yeah, and I wish they weren't. One of my favorites is Congratulations, but I have to go to YouTube for it."

It took a while to get all of the furniture out of her condo, but that was mostly because everyone was getting easily distracted. There was one point where Renée dueted Satisfied with the other Renée and everyone was impressed. They were done with getting all of the furniture out by six, and that was when people started to go home. 

Pete ordered a pizza for the people that were still there and everyone either at at the counter or sat on the floor with paper plates. Renée checked her phone and saw that most of the people that helped her now followed her on Instagram, and it was an honor because she never thought that THE Renée Elise Goldsberry would ever even know of her existence. When everyone left her condo, Pete went with her to give her keys back.

"Oh, you're lucky your ceiling didn't start to sag from water damage. That's why we're in the process of doing renovations." The secretary said. 

Renée glanced over at Pete and he was trying not to laugh. None of it was funny, but he felt like he had to laugh to ease the tension in the small room.

"Um, okay. Thank you, have a good evening." Renée said before they left. Pete had the leftover pizza in his car, and they drove to his place separately so that they didn't have to worry about her car being broken into. It was unlikely and it never happened when she lived at her condo, but it was safe to assume that the chances of it happening were higher if she had her car packed with boxes.

When she got to Pete's, he helped her get a few things inside. They decided that she would start unpacking tomorrow because of how tired she was. She took a shower and put her pajamas on (okay, it was just one of Pete's shirts) before getting in bed. Pete walked in not too long after that and turned the lights out. He laughed when she fumbled around to find her phone charger before they cuddled.

"Are you happy?" He whispered. Renée turned to face him and smiled. 

"I'm the happiest I've ever been. I love you so much."

They kissed and fell asleep cuddled into each other. She knew that starting to get unpacked in the morning would be a pain in the ass, and probably unproductive, but anything that she did with Pete was worth it regardless.

A/N: Omg 1k reads? That's wild. I'm mega hyped for SNL tomorrow night, too. MGK is the musical guest but I'm sure you already knew that.

A Winter's Ball - Pete DavidsonWhere stories live. Discover now