Chapter II

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Y/n's POV;



"Come on! Over here!" I call for the puck frantically, as i hit my stick to the ice. They pass it over to me and I handle it with my stick. I make my way around to the net in an attempt to make a goal, I make sure to keep up with the puck as I hit it over to the goal accidentally hitting Goldbergs defensive mask.

"Keep it down, please! Hey, come on. There's no need for this, y/n! Let's talk, come on. I'm your friend, aren't I?" Goldberg shouted as I tried to score again. 

"Come on, Goldberg, at least try to stop it. I'm tired of chasin' the puck." I said clearly irritated whilst stopping in front of him.

"Be careful, man. It almost hit me that time." I roll my eyes just as Charlie shows up next me.

"Goldberg, you're the goalie. It's supposed to hit you." Charlie scoffed as he reminds Goldberg of his position.

"Does that sound stupid to anyone else?" I shook my head as the rest of the team joined us. We started talking about the play we just practiced. I heard what sounded like tires—maybe a car—coming onto the ice not far from us. 

I turn around confused on what was happening with the rest of my team. In the distance I see a long sleek black limo driving out onto the ice. "What the f—" Charlie had put his hand over my mouth before I could finish my sentence. I jabbed his side with my elbow making him get his hand off of my mouth, I smirk slightly at his reaction as I continue to watch the car. 

We all began walking towards the car murmuring things like, "he doesn't know what he's doin." Or, "this guy is crazy!"

"We're gonna get in big trouble." I said as I follow my team towards the limo.

"I'll take care of it." Jesse Hall said with confidence laced in his voice as he moved to the front. 

"There's drugs, I just know it." Karp commented; the car door opens and a man hops out in front of us, he stares down at us with a cold expression. I Immediately recognize the man as the guy from the other night who almost hit me, except this time he wasn't stupidly drunk. I scowl at him.

"Yo, dude. You obviously in the wrong hood. This is my dominion. This is a drug-free zone, you understand? We ain't buyin' nothin'. Now I'm feelin' generous today. So I'm gonna let you get your sorry vanilla bootie outta here—before we be usin' your eyeballs as hockey pucks." I let out a soft laugh with the rest of my team.

"Thanks, bro, but I'm not goin' home 'til I take care of business." The mans hard voice said as he  lifted the left side of his jacket and stuck his hand in.

"He's got a gun." Guy whispered to us as he pulled me and Charlie back away from the man, as everyone else follows. My heart beats rapidly waiting to see what he had in his hand. The man pulled out a folded piece of paper, "oh." Everyone relaxed almost instantly. Charlie exhales in relief as I feel his hand rest on my shoulder, I put my hand over my heart to try and slow my heart rate down.

"District Five Pee Wee Hockey team. I'm Gordon Bombay. I'm your new coach." I let out a slight laugh at him with the rest of the team.

"Yeah, right." I said hysterically as I eye him. His eyes landed on me he furrowed his eyebrows, I don't think he recognizes me judging on his facial expressions. 

"What a joke." Jesse scoffs.

"Afraid so, dude. Got the roster right here: Averman, Dave. Conway, Charlie. Y/l/n, Y/n. Hall, Terry. Here's the long and the short of it. I hate hockey and I don't like kids." I look around at my team confused.

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